The foolish Jackal

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Once upon a time, there was a group of jackals in a jungle. There was one jackal named Gholo that stole others prey and they couldn't do anything about that as he was more powerful than any of them. One day the jackals had a meeting without Gholo. A jackal spoke " What should we do about gholo he is stealing our food. We have to figure something out ". Suddenly another voice said " Yes you are right. I have an idea just for that. When one of you goes to hunt the other will follow him and when Gholo tries to steal your food you  will attack him, he can't take you all at once ". All the jackals looked in the direction of the voice but all they saw was an eagle. Another jackal asked " Why are you helping us, mighty eagle". To that the bird replied " Gholo thinks he is the most powerful animal out there and he has tried to harm me as well". To that all the jackals nodded.

The next day they began their plan and whenever gholo tried to steal their food,  they attacked him. After a few days gholo was starving. He hated the other jackals as they kicked him out of their part of the forest. As Gholo was walking he heard a noise " bang bang bang ". He ran away from the noise and thought 'what was that sound'. He went the way he heard the noise and all he saw was a monkey jumping on a war drum. He growled and the monkey ran away. He searched around the  war drum to find any food and it seemed that luck was on his side as there was some food near the war drum and he quickly ate it. He thought ' i would have been a fool if I had ran away '. Suddenly he had an idea that if he has been scared from the war drum other jackals will also be and when they run away he will steal their food. The next day he put his plan in motion and whenever a jackal caught a prey he would play the war drum and the jackal will run away and he would claim the prey as his own. A few days later there was another meeting. A jackal  spoke " What is this strange sound that has been going in the jungle for the past few days". Suddenly the eagle  landed in front of the jackals and spoke " The strange sound that has been going on in the jungle is Gholos doing as he has found a war drum and he is scaring us with it". To that the jackals grew angry and one of them (tanmay) said " Let's go tear apart gholo". All the Jackals started moving but the eagle stopped them and said " I have a better plan. We lay a net for him and put sum food on it and one of you fake that you hunted it and when you hear the noise, run away. When he reaches the net we pull it up and capture him and throw him out of the jungle, that way we wouldn't have to harm him". " Yes this is a better plan" said a jackal. The jackals started working and laid a trap for him and laid some food on the net. One of the jackals pretend that he had hunted the animal just now and stalked toward it. Suddenly their was a large noise and the jackal ran away and Gholo came into  the clearing and said " Stupid people and now with the war drum I will steal all their food". When he said this many of the jackals blood boiled and they were glad they were kicking him out of the jungle. Gholo stepped on the net and they captured him. They picked him up and carried him while gholo was begging them to release him. When they got to the end of the jungle, they threw him near a human village.

Moral of the story- You should never be greedy as greediness can lead to your demise.

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