The monkey, the bird and the tree

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Once upon a time there once lived a monkey on a magical tree. The tree and him were great friends. One day the monkey thought 'I have been living on this tree for many months and this should be my home'. Thinking that the monkey left to get himself something to eat. While the monkey was gone a bird flew on the tree's branch. And seeing the tree move she asked the tree

Bird: OH, mighty tree can I make a nest on you.

To that the tree replied

Tree: Yes, you can, young bird.

The bird joyfully flew to get something to build her nest with. After she came back, she started to build her nest. When the monkey came back he was greeted with the sight of a bird building a nest on his home. Angry,the monkey spoke-

Monkey: What are you doing to my house, you nasty bird. Get away from my house and take your nasty nest with you.

The bird also angry being spoken to that way replied-

Bird: This is not your tree and the tree has allowed me to build a nest on itself you filthy monkey.

Both the animals argued a bit more, when the tree suddenly said-

Tree- OH, stop arguing the both of you. I have a solution for your problem. Both of you can live on me. Monkey, you can live on the left side and bird, you can live on the right side.

After a bit more of arguing the both eventually said-

Monkey & bird- You are right mighty tree we should do just that. Thank you OH might tree.

After the bird build her nest. She, monkey and the tree became the bestest of friends and lived happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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