What is this feeling?

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your p.o.v.

"so (y/n)?" both Demi and Francisco questioned me..

And for the first time, i didn't know who to go to. If i went to Demi, we would definitely get along and my job wouldn't be too bad. But in the other hand. If i go with Francisco, and he's the one. My son, Mateo will have a father figure in his life for good. But so many thoughts racing in my mind. Not knowing what to do.. but then, what if i can do both? i could go with Demi and then have a date with Francisco..

as i cover the phone with my hand, i kindly asked Demi "can you please give me a minute" she nodded and wait at the elevator.

"so (y/n) ? what do you say? " Francisco ask,
"i wish i could but i'm currently at work but as soon as i'm off, i'm all yours" while walking to the elevator
"nah it's cool, i complete understand. have a great day, i'll send you the addy later." he says as mumbling something at the end and hanging up.

he sounds upset, should i just tell Demi i'm busy?

as i'm taking the corner to the elevator i over hear Demi talking to herself..
".. okay demi don't screw this up just don't just go with the flow.. just relaaxx-"

"oh my.. how much did you hear (y/n) ? "
i blush on how dorky she was and rolled my eyes playfully "what are you talking about?" i slightly giggled. she playfully pushed me back and said in a high pitch "staphhhh" i looked down and started feeling these weird but warm feelings in my stomach.

once we were inside the elevator, Demi quickly said "Soooo where we're going bodyguard" with a sexy smirk. I couldn't help but to slight smile and look down. "Well I am YOUR bodyguard ms. lovato. where would you like to go?" i said with a professional calm voice. 

suddenly i felt her whole vibe change. She had a frown on her face and looked confused.
"well uhm, could we go to your place or something? I just want to hang out and get to know you better since we are working together.." Demi said while looking down on her feet. I wanted to ask what was wrong but i don't know if i'm allowed to ask that. instead i nodded and said "Sure thing Lovato, shall we take your car or mine?" while looking at her.
she sighed and said "you know you can call me Demi, right? and maybe you should drive if that's okay.."
"yeah sure thing, and are you feeling alright?" i asked. she nodded and we walked to my car.

through the whole ride to my house, Demi was silent. I could tell she was in a very deep deep thought. I wanted to talk to her but decided not to. Until about five minutes away from my house i saw a tear roll down her cheek.

I wanted to ask why but I didn't wanted to get too personal with her. Since this is only a job, and that's all. But should I ask her?

sorry for this long long update. will try my best to finish this.
insta , loveotic (fan page)

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