Chapter 5- "We gotta live while were young"

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Chapter 5- "We gotta live while were young"

(at the café)

I sip my strawberry milkshake and look out the window. Jay and Zayn were putting our bags in the car. They head towards the café.

Kylah comes and sits down in front of me with her mango smoothie. She looks where I was looking. "what the? I told him to stay on the beach! I need to talk to you privately. UGH. Hold on..." she stands up and walks up to Zayn.

I can't hear what she's saying. Niall and Ashleigh come into the café aswell and talk to Jay. I can't hear what Jay is saying but whatever he said made Niall and Ashleigh look over at me. Crap. What did he say? They smile at me so I smile back. Niall nudges Jay and winks. Ashleigh gives him a hug and messes up his hair.

Kylah sits back down in front of me and Niall, Jay, Zayn and Ashleigh all head down to the other side of the café.

"I told Zayn that I wanted to talk to you privately. So, tell me everything." She emphasizes the 'everything'.

I knew what she meant but I said "My name is Lara, I was born in.."

"I KNOW! I meant what happened with Louis... Dont you like him anymore? Ohh and i see you were having fun with Nialls brother... Jay" She wiggled her eyebrows.

I sighed knowing that she is going to make me tell her everything. So I told her about Louis cominig over my house at 3 in the morning and how I wanted to forget about him. I told her that we went to the beach and I told her about Jay.

"So yeah... I might be falling for Jay."

She stared at me wide eyed. "So... no more Louis?"

I nod once and she leans over to me and hugs me. "That's a wise decision. Plus Jay looks like a nice guy..." she wiggles her eyebrows.

We giggle and I slap her on the arm playfully.

"I'll call them over... I want to meet them." She says.

They head over to us and sit in the booth with us. Zayn sits next to Kylah and Kylah sits next to me. Jay sits on my other side and Niall and Ashleigh sit across from me and Jay.

"Hi, I'm Lara." I hold out my hand so that Ashleigh can shake it.

"Yes, I've heard a lot about you. I'm Ashleigh, it's nice to finally meet you." She smiles widely and shakes my hand.

I blush. "you've heard about me? And what do you mean, you finally get to meet me?"

She laughs. "Yes... Jay talks about you non-stop. It's nothing bad! Just all the good stuff... he won't shut up!"

I stare at Jay wide eyed. "What is there to talk about me? I hardly even know you..."

"I know you don't know me well, but I have liked you for a while and you didn't know. I know a few things about you..."

"Like what? What do you say to Ashleigh?" I asked nervously.

He blushes and looks down. "well, I tell her that you are beautiful...your favourite colour is pink...I know this because whenever I walk past you at your locker everything is pink...even your books" he laughs. "you're always doing the right thing, always getting your homework done. You help others out all the time. You're a simply amazing person Lara!" His face dropped. "I tell ashleigh everything... I tell her that you like Louis." He sighed. "But that won't stop me from liking you Lara... I've been waiting for you to notice me. Every day at school I look for a reason to talk to you, but it feels like you don't even know I exist..."

I stare at him shocked. This extremely, nice, caring, HOT guy has been waiting for me??? Why me? I was nothing special! He could pick any girl and they would fall for him... but why did he chose me? I can't believe I didn't even notice him! I feel so bad now... I can't speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2013 ⏰

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