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(un edited) sorry if there are anymistakes... :/

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Why? Why did this have to happen to me?? I lay on my bed facing the ceiling. It's probably about 3 in the morning and I've just been laying here not able to sleep... I haven't gotten changed out of last night's clothes cause I have been thinking about Louis, thinking about how stupid I am thinking he actually likes me, thinking that I felt the fireworks that people talk about when you kiss the right person, thinking that he would leave Eleanor for me! I AM SO STUPID I JUST WANT TO... I JUST WANT TO SCREAM!

My door opens slowly like in a horror movie, it's dark so I'm getting abit scared...

WHAT IF IT'S A MURDERER! A RAPIST! OR WORSE... A CLOWN! I absolutely hate clowns!

"Hello? Who's there?" I ask trying not to sound scared but that failed badly as my voice was terribly shaken.

"Lara... It's me..." That beautiful soft voice... also that one person I don't want to see right now. Louis.

"W-what are you doing here? It's three in the morning!" I stammer looking at my illuminated digital clock.

"Sorry... I just couldn't sleep and I needed to talk to you and apologise... can I come in?"

"I don't want to talk to you right now..." I whisper but he hears me. I can see him slightly from the little light shining into my room from the moon. He's standing there in my doorway, looking like the perfect person he is. Even if I can't see him that much I can tell he's sad. Facing the floor he looks up at me.

"Please Lara... I understand that you don't want to talk to me for what I did... but please hear me out." He says softly. I hear him sniffle and I see him wiping his face. Is he crying? I stay silent not knowing what to say.

"Please Lara..." he pleaded.

"Ok. Umm come in..." I say moving to make space for him on the bed.

He walks to my bed and sits down. He's so close I can feel his warmth radiating off him and onto me.

I want to stay like this but I move away to turn the lamp on my bedside table on.

AGH! It's so bright. I shield my eyes for a moment waiting for my eyes to adjust.

I look up and see Louis sitting on my bed cross legged, staring intently at his intertwined hands. Shuffling over closer to him again he looks up.

His eyes are red, there are tears in his eyes waiting to be shed and there's some that have already fallen staining his cheeks. It looks like he has been crying for a while... why was he crying? I'm the one that should be crying!

"Louis, why are you crying?" I ask.

He wipes away his tears and continues to stare into my eyes. "Lara, I am really sorry that I did that... I know it was wrong but..."

"How did you even get in the house?" I cut him off, curiously wondering how the hell he got in.

"Zayn told me where you hide your spare key a while ago..."

"Louis? What are you doing here?" Zayn walks into my room looking really tired and confused. He looked at me then at Louis and back at me again. I realized that we were extremely close so I shuffled away from Louis.

Louis stood up. "I'm really sorry, I came here to apologize."

"You should be sorry, you hurt my sister! Why did you kiss her when you have a girlfriend?" Zayn began to raise his voice at Louis. It's entirely my fault! I could've ruined their friendship!

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