Chapter 7

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Jo's POV

As soon as the scene ended it was left with wanting more. Hero and I's first kiss was amazing. I had been looking forward to it since the first time we met, but I never imagined how electric it would feel.

I felt so bad for him when he wouldn't come out of the water. He seemed so embarrassed, like I would be mad at his body's reaction to mine. To be honest, I secretly enjoyed it. Him being hard was like unspoken validation that he was attracted to me, wasn't it? Yes, I understand that it's a natural thing and he probably couldn't control it if he tried, but still.

After we left set, I looked a mess. We all took a shuttle back to town and were dropped off at the hotel. At this point, my hair has almost dried all the way but I hadn't combed it so I looked as close to a drowned rat as I could imagine. I try to avoid making eye contact with Hero because I don't look my best as I exited the shuttle, making my way to the elevator quickly.

As soon as I reached the ninth floor I make my way down the hall as fast as possible without actually running. Entering my room, I turn on the lamp and began to remove my clothes. The water doesn't take long to warm up and before I know it I'm standing underneath the water coming down pushing my hair back.

I close my eyes and a picture of Hero grabbing my face between his hands before he kissed me for the second time today plays in my head. In that moment, it almost felt like he needed to kiss me. Not that he wanted to or had to for the movie's sake, but that he NEEDED to for himself. He wasn't the only one.

I stay in the shower a lot longer than normal but I have been freezing all day in and out of the lake, this feels nice. I turn off the water and step out of the shower into a towel. The steam has covered everything in the small bathroom and the glass doors to the shower look frosted. I quickly get dressed in sleep shorts and an oversized t shirt. I don't bother to put a bra on because I don't plan on leaving my room for the rest of the night.

My wet hair is put up into a bun and I turn on the hotel's tv. There's got to be something good on tonight. It's a Friday after all. Suddenly, I'm startled by a knock at my door. Three knocks. Who in the world? I didn't order anything and I don't think I could have lost anything.

I open the door to my room and Hero is standing in the hallway. His right arm is leaned up against the door frame and he raises his head to look at me. My eyes wide, I quietly say hello.

"Hey what's up, do you want to come in?" I open the door further, revealing my bed, sheets all over the place.

"Yeah if you don't mind." He makes his way past me and sits in the chair in the corner of the room.

"I quietly shut the door and make my way to the bed. He looks like he's just showered as well, his hair wet and messy. Either that or he just got done working out again. I climb onto my bed and sit with my legs crossed in front of me. Oh, God. I just remembered I never put a bra on. I try not to panic and make it obvious. Maybe he won't notice.

"I just wanted to apologize for what happened today. I didn't even realize what hap.." he begins to explain.

"Stop, you're fine. I honestly had forgotten about it." I lie. I didn't forget about it. That's all I've been thinking about since the scene ended. Hero looks like he feels so terrible, but in all honesty, I purposely wrapped my legs around his waist today. I wanted to be as close as possible to him and no one would notice because we were under water.

"Are you sure? I don't want to give off the wrong impression that that's all I think about or want. I mean, I really enjoyed today and I hope this doesn't ruin what we've got going on. Work wise." He looks down at the floor. I can tell he's avoiding my eyes.

His hair looks similar to what it did all day, only now I can tell that it's his styling. Not someone on set. He's wearing gym shorts and a black t shirt, much like his character usually does.

I speak softly, "Don't feel bad, Hero. This doesn't change anything. I mean now I know you don't hate kissing me so that's a plus," I chuckle and watch as his eyes raise to meet mine. They're piercing into me. Those green eyes, so calm, yet so intense.

"I definitely don't hatekissing you." My stomach tightens and I feel my breathing hitch. Hero standsfrom the chair and begins to step in my direction. I move myself towards theedge of the bed. Before I know it, he's leaned down and our lips haveconnected.

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