Chris - Who gave me these shorts!?

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Jimmy's P.O.V. (Point Of View).

Today I was about to make a video with Chris and Chandler but Chris still didn't come out of his room. "Chris! What's taking you so long!!?" I yelled. "I don't have that many clean clothes plus someone put black shorts in here that say 'Jake Franklin is the best person in the world'!!!" Chris yelled back and Chandler laughed. "Ohhh! I wonder who gave you those!" I chuckled. "Do I have to wear these!!?" Chris yelled. "I guess!" I yelled back.

Chris's P.O.V.

WHO THE HECK GAVE ME THESE SHORTS!!? This is stupid! So I put them on and walked out of my room and walked to Jimmy and Chandler. "Who gave me these shorts?" I asked mad. "Garrett!" Jimmy said and I walked outside to the car where Garrett was standing. "WHY!!?" I yelled at Garrett and he looked me in the eyes. "Hehehehehehehehehehe." He said and started to run away and I chased him and I yelled "Why though!!! Why??!!!?" And we chased each other until we went inside and layed down and went to sleep.


Sorry it was so short! It WAS my first ever story! But I hope you guys love it!^^


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