Part - 25

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Next morning, when TAE woke up, he noticed that that JK was not in room.

TAE came into kitchen & saw JK who was preparing breakfast.

TAE: "How did you wake up so early?"

JK: "Ohh! You wake up!
Good morning....
Aah-- Actually, I changed my habbit in USA.
Now, I wake up early morning!
I already made breakfast!"

TAE only murmured: "Hmmm."

They started eating & IU came.

TAE: "Eat with us--"

IU smiled: "thank u--
I already ate my breakfast.
Btw, I am IU, his assistant."

TAE smiled: "JK was telling me about you--"

IU smiled: "Really?woaah--
Anyway I have to say something.
You are heavenly handsome, TAE---
JK was right--"

TAE smiled: "Thank you--
You know about Me?

JK: "Yes--
She knows everything about 'US'--"

IU smiled: "I will wait for you in car--"

JK: "Yes---
Let's go."

TAE: "Where are you going?"

JK: "I have some work to finish---
You just stay here.
& I am warning you--
Don't dare you to step out from this house.
Get it???"

TAE nodded his head.

TAE murmured: "Okay--"

IU said bye to TAE & left with JK.

TAE washed dishes just like in past!
He cleaned the rooms alone.

But, TAE felt bore so he started making some tasteful dishes for JK for Lunch time.

TAE became quite happy & finished his cooking & then took a bath.

At the Lunch time, JK & IU returned at home.

JK sniffing: "Aaaah!
What a smell---
Did you made chicken soup?"

TAE smiled: "hmm."

JK to IU: "Do you know what  IU?
TAE is the best Cook!
Chicken soup is my favourite!"

IU just smiled: "Hmm.
I can see that."

JK: "I will return quickly from shower.

JK left for shower.

IU smiled: "You are really good at cooking!"

TAE blushed: "No--
It's just JK is a drama king--
He is so childish--
Don't trust his words- -"

IU smiled: "No no--"

TAE: "JK is like a Child!
When I was his assistant, he irritated me a lot!
How did you handle him in these 2 years?"

IU smiled: "I never had seen JK's childish behaviour!
He was strict & workholic.

TAE blushed: "No-- that's not--
I mean--
Anyway, Why don't you tell him about your feelings? "

IU: "aaahhh???"

TAE: "I know-- You like him-
Tell him--
JK & You will be a great match-"

IU smiled:"Yes-- that's true-
I really Like him--
But rather than that
JK is my saviour!
He saved me & gave a respectable job.
I survived in USA just bcz of him--
I like him but I can't Love him as much as you love him--
You sacrificed yourself to save his career!
And most importantly,
JK loves You ....
He only Loves you--"

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