In Los Angeles was living a teenager named Aria. She was living in a strange neighborhood and one day the worst happened...
Aria was walking alone in the street, she heard a shout coming from behind a house. She went to see who and what it was, Aria looked and saw the corpse of a girl of her age, no sign of the human presence so Aria decided to leave. She felt a hand on her shoulder, start running as fast as she could, and stumbled on the corpse. She was afraid, didn't knew how to defend herself, and took the knife that was in the cadaver's heart. The weird murderer wasn't there that was the only good news, Aria was lost with a bloody knife in the hand if someone sees her they'll think that's her that killed the girl. Aria's heartbeat accelerate when she heard the footsteps coming in her direction. She wanted to run but the corpse's hand was holding her foot. She screamed but nobody was there to help her except the murderer and the corpse. A shadow appeared just in front of her with a black sword that looked like smoke. This shadow had only eyes on her face, approached Aria that couldn't leave. She looked at her bloody knife, brandishes it, cut the arm of the cadaver, and ran. While she was running, the shadow emitted a sneer before disappearing. Aria took a deep breath and stop running, set down, and fell asleep while waiting for somebody to come. The shadow's sneer awake Aria, she wanted to leave but it was too late. The shade took his sword and pushed it in Aria's stomach. She screamed, fell on the ground, and died...