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bound by bullets |

set fourteen years ago

The hall was large and decorated as subtly as possible, suitable for a child instead of a rich man's belongings which would have made a good impression on his other rich friends but sadly he forced himself to make it safer than it would've been. Stands which were made for expensive swords were now covered or taken to another room off bounds for children, even though this child was looked after and was never out of the man's sight, he still forced himself to make his belongings safe, for himself not for the child's safety.

You see, the child wasn't ordinary. She was born at the age of five, she was never a newborn. They skipped the baby stages of life for the sake of the rich man; because everyone knows if you're rich you own whatever you like and if you don't, you soon will.

Boss, the rich man (this is how he likes to be addressed, no one knows his real name) was a man of many talents, (they weren't talents at all) he could control people and make them do whatever he liked, with the price of his money. He planned to improve his power with the child, the only thing he loved. Alex; the child was raised brutally. Raised to be the beautiful feminine woman she was.

That didn't really work, Alex grew up to be a boisterous and numb woman of privileged manners. She was given the things she needed and little extra, she was like you and me but was given the small gifts of freedom. Like the large courtyard out the back of the mansion, the small but large and expensive playroom that she was rarely allowed in and the treats made in the kitchen by their cook, Fred.

On Alex's sixth birthday, the twenty sixth of september, Boss gave her a memory that she would never forget. Alex never forgot her sixth birthday because of Boss' decisions on that day. He marked her brain, and stole her emotions leaving her numb for the rest of her life.


She stood next to him, standing strong like a soldier, the one she was always taught to be. He stood opposite her with a pistol in one hand and a dog lead in the other, on the end of the lead sat a little Jack Russell, tiny and fragile. He had black spots all along its body, making himself kind of look like a new breed of Dalmatian. One of his ears pointed up and his eye was covered by the other one, hanging and flopping down when he walked.

"I want you to shoot him." she looked up at Boss, his hair was slicked back as usual and his grey eyes were hooded with no mercy. The small, six year old Alex stared him in the eyes, wondering if he was joking. "Huh?" The puppy made a small sweet sound by Boss' feet, making the man agitated.

"I said. I want you to shoot the dog, Alex." he bent down and blew in her face, and that was when she grew afraid of him. The strong man who had taken care of her for one whole year had now made her scared of his presence "Shoot it..." he whispered through gritted teeth, passing the pistol to her.

The small girl trembled, shooting this dog would be the first thing she had killed, except from the occasional fly and ant in the courtyard. She had grown up with the dog, for about three months, the ninety days they had spent together had made so many memories and now Boss wanted them to end on a sad note.

Alex would have to go ahead with Boss' demands or she'd get shut down and getting shut down was never a good idea. It hurt her so badly the colour in her cheeks would disappear, and she would feel so faint she'd actually faint, but not humanly, she'd fall asleep till her senses and blood came flowing back. Then again she wasn't human. She was a clone. A machine, something made in a science lab, so pure and magically that she was the first. The first human looking machine, killing machine.

She shivered, holding the pistol tightly in her small palms. Her eyes shut, blocking out her emerald eyes, holding back her fear; hiding from the puppy dog eyes which were showing every bit of joy it had. It had no clue what was about to happen.

"Do not show any sign of pain, Alex." the poor girl trembled, trying to become braver than she was. Her breath clenched and her eyelids squeezed tighter, the pistol shook; her anxiety travelling to the bullet she was about to fire.

There was a large yelp.
Then a thud.

"No..." she dropped the gun and cried, the dog she had loved for the three months it had lived, was dead on the wooden floor, blood suffocating his body.

"Pain is not an option, Alex." Boss said before taking a few steps closer to his adopted child and he moved her black hair and inserted a needle into her neck, right next to her shut down button. Drugging her while destroying a part of her head, deleting her emotions so she couldn't share pain with anyone or anything, leaving her numb for the rest of her life.

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