•Chapter 24• Marvin's route

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T woke up, the start of the day being interrupted by Micheal speaking over the intercom.

"Hello everyone! Sorry to be a big bother, but I'm going to introduce you to a new student! Her name is Cori Stevens, she is the Ultimate Puzzle Solver, and she comes from America! We're glad to have her here so be on your best behaviour. Don't want to end up upsetting someone, now do we?"


Vincent scooted over closer to Marvin and T. He listened to their conversation about the new student, intrigued to meet her. At that moment, she rushed in.

Cori had purple tinted hair that went to the bottom of her back, with a neatly cut fringe. Her eyes were a tired blue, which was made to stand out by her beauty-mark on the left side of her face. She wore a white collared shirt with a green tie with a decorative pin of a triangle on the knot and a print of a flower on the bottom. She wore a plain black pleated skirt and over the knee, mismatching socks. Her shoes were plain brown loafers, although she wore a high collared, ankle low black jacket, which was printed with white optical illusions. She wore a satchel bag, which could hold any tools in which she could solve illusions.

Straight away she walked over to the trio, waving and smiling. As soon as she put her hands down, the only thing the three could notice was the fact she had one hand with painted nails, one hand without any on.

"Hi there! I'm sure y'all have heard about me, so imma let you guys introduce yourselves!" Cori cheerfully greeted them.

"Oh, hello there. I'm T, the Ultimate Therapist, this is Marvin, the Ultimate Tailor and this is Vincent, the Ultimate Butler. Don't ask about how short my name is, my dad picked it for me..." T trailed off, starting to shiver.

"Hey, I weren't gonna ask! Please don't get upset, I promise, I'll make it up to ya!" Cori began to panic, walking around the table to comfort T.

By the time he had calmed down and Cori was back in her seat, Rosie had handed out everyone's breakfast. Cori tucked in, complementing Rosie's cooking. The other three boys on the table just ate from their plates, enjoying their meals.

After that, Cori followed T, Marvin and Vincent everywhere they went. They all slowly became friends, ending up doing everything together. Carmen always seemed to get jealous of Cori. She was closer to her older brother than her and she wanted to be closer to him. So she did something stupid and sloppy to get her way.


T sighed, walking along with Marvin and Vincent. They hadn't seen Cori for a day so far, which was quite worrying to the trio. T decided he would look everywhere for her, which would definitely take a lot of time considering the size of the school.

All boys searched, finding no evidence of her being anywhere recently. They even checked out her room. There was a rubiks cube placed on the side, which had been recently solved, as the cube was thrown to the side and the cubes rows weren't straight.

Her black coat was nowhere to be seen, which it usually was kept when she went out somewhere. T started to worry, although he tried not to worry too much. After all he had practically only just met her, and there weren't many similarities between them. Finally they came across a few bins, which held a horrifying sight.

Dried blood had streamed down the side of the bin and feet armed with loafers hung out of them. They were brown. T panicked and flipped open the lid, only to see what he thought was a reality.

Cori had been tied up and dumped into a large dust bin. Her coat was nowhere to be seen, and neither was her tie, complimentary pins, cloud socks or fishnet tights. Whoever had done this had stripped her of some of the things she wore, which was quite sick in a way. Then there was sight of something that would give the killer away straight away.

An army knife accompanied by a few strands of ginger hair.


They all stood in the trial room. There was not a sound, until T spoke up.

"There is two pieces of defining evidence that gives away the murderer straight away, and I can tell you it's got to be them." Everyone had their eyes on him, there was no telling what would happen now. "It had to be Carmen. There was strands of ginger hair on the body and there was an army knife. You don't have it on you now, do you? Maybe then we can see if someone else has access to them?"

Carmen just laughed.

"Ah hah ha! You really did catch me out didn't you~?" She replied, emphasising every word. Her tone went from cocky to dark in just a few seconds.

"I did it for you. She was taking my big brother away, I had to stop her. She was taking the strongest person I knew away from me. You stayed strong when Father forced you to dress up like a doll and I admired you for that, you're my idol. You can't blame me for this." She slowly let a few tears out, her voice trailing off after her last sentence. She couldn't bear it any longer.

"You also dumped her body in the bin labelled 'C', out of all of the ones you could of dumped her in. Was that on purpose or was it a coincidence?" Marvin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Pure coincidence." She stated blandly. And with that she was lifted off.

She landed on a stage, blinded by a spotlight. She slowly raised one of her hands, curling the other into a fist and propping it on her waist. She then waved her raised arm with enthusiasm, swaying. Suddenly a rope was lowered and she stopped. A few talentless students tied it into a noose and fixed it around her neck. They then tied her hands behind her back, slowly backing off as Carmen was lifted up in the air. She stayed suspended for a few seconds, choking on the rope, until it became loose, dropping her fast like a rollercoaster ride. It then snagged, breaking her neck. The tips of her toes skimmed the panelled flooring.

By now T was already in tears, huddled in a group of all of his friends. He couldn't bear it any longer. All he could do was cry.

It Ends Here

Thank you for taking the time to read this book.
It was a pleasure.
Look after your family and friends.
Even your lovers.
Take care, goodbye people!
Sleep tight.

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