•Chapter 15• Obstacle Course

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As T wrenched himself out of bed, his body stiff from the night before, he shuddered at the sight of two dark figures standing in two corners of the room. He gulped slightly, not knowing wether to approach them or simply wait for them to walk towards him. His thoughts had seemingly been heard as the two tall figures marched towards him.

He backed up into a wall, fright flooding through him as if someone had injected him with it. The two figures stopped just where the light shone on their bodies, their faces covered in darkness. They wore yellow pinstriped shirts and black suit trousers, accompanied by black waistcoats and black shoes. Their faces were hard to identify, although the seeming light that shrouded their eyes only signifies one thing; their eyes were blue.

They both chuckled, a similar tone to what Tom, commonly known as Sir to him, would have laughed like. They both held out platters with unknown things inside of them. They gestured towards their platters, a note in their hands.

It read: 'Pick both, just don't waste our time. You may look at it later, but make sure you hide these things from the others.'

T gulped again, holding one platter in his hand and placing it down, reaching for the other as the person he took the platter from disappeared. His hands shook as he lifted the other platter from the other figures hand as he, too, walked away.

T opened one of the platters, finding a neatly folded letter on it. He shivered as he found a signature he didn't recognise, right next to one he did recognise. It read: 'T, I have been ever so quiet about my feelings for so long, but holding them in seems preposterous now. You mean a lot to me, and holding it back hurts me. In the next platter is my present, although if you went to that platter first, then I guess it gave away who I am.

Yours Sincerely,

Vincent Kane~ Thomas Nigel Brooks'

T looked over at the other platter, confused. He carefully lifted the top of it off, only to find some of his most favourite things.

A pile of waffles on a plate was stacked up, smothered in chocolate syrup. Surrounding this was four packets of Parma Violets, along with four poppies. T smiled, a thankful feeling now shooting through his veins, replacing the fear that was once there.

As he walked away, full from the breakfast and carrying the sweets, a note fell down from the platter reading: 'Micheal Winston Brooks'.


As T trudged through the muddy ground in his wellington boots, he tried his best to approach Vincent and somehow get him alone, although Marvin, Rick and Rosie were following him at all times. As soon as he managed to approach Vincent, his cheeks warmed up and his face became bright red.

"Yes? Hey, T, are you ok?" Vincent asked, a concerned tone pumping through his words. T nodded in response, pointing over towards a tree that was slightly off the path they were walking.

"Could we talk over there? I need to ask you something without having anyone hear us." T replied, stopping in his tracks and wrapping his arms around Vincent's.

"Of course!" The shorter male replied, dragging him over towards the tree.

"So, what is it you would like to talk about?" Vincent asked, quite intrigued by the sudden change of route.

"So, I believe you gave me something this morning. It was two platters held by two men in suits, is that right? In one was a letter, in the other was all of the things I told you I liked. I would like to ask you why there was our teachers signature on the letter."

Vincent smiles slightly at his curiosity.

"I thought that maybe something like giving you your favourite things would probably give you a decent state of mind. I didn't want you to be torn between us forever, so I thought your favourite things might have-" he tried to continue on with the sentence, only to be interrupted by T.

"Look, presents don't win me over, ok? They're only temporary anyways. Also, the signature has more significance to me, so I would like to know why our teacher's signature is on there."

Vincent sighed.

"The signature on the letter wasn't Sir's. I found out he has a twin brother who is identical to him, and he goes by the name of Tom Brooks. Sir's was on the platter with your favourite things, although he stuck it to the top so I would doubt you saw it. Anyways, Sir's name is Micheal, which is why Mortimer has been calling him 'Mr Mike' all the time. And, quick question, which platter did you take first?" Vincent questioned. T tapped his finger against his cheek.

"Ah yes, I took the one with the letter in first." He replied. Vincent bit his lip.

"Vincent, why are you looking at me so anxiously? Oh dear, it means something doesn't it?"

"Yes, the two of them made a bet. Sir didn't exactly agree to it, but his brother made sure that he would like it in some way. It was if you took Tom's first, he could kill you, but if you took Mike's first, then you would be free. Oh dear god I can't loose you now-" He was interrupted again by the harsh screaming of a terrified Robyn.

He nuzzled his face against T, starting to cry. As the oozing blood poured from his eyeballs, T marched towards the source of his scare. Robyn pulled back on T, making him almost stumble backwards.

"Hey Robyn, look ill protect you. If you want to hold my hand you can, and if anyone tries to hurt you I'll smack them in the face, alright?" Vincent asked comfortingly. Robyn agreed, calming down and clutching into his hand tightly.

T made his way forwards, only to find Rick being ambushed by an angry Adan. He rolled his eyes and approached them as the scene unfolded.

Oh dear T could feel what the commotion was about now. Perched on Rick's head was his bird companion, Darling. He adored her ever so much and the way she was called was quite hilarious.

"Right, so I'm going to show you how I call her, m'kay?" Rick said, an excited look on his face. T nodded, slightly confused on why he had a can of fizzy pop in his hand.

"Alright, so this is how I do it!" He exclaimed. He took a small sip from his drink, swallowing and then let out a small, croaky burp. A flutter of wings and his bird companion fluttered on to his head, twittering happily and preening Rick's hair.

T let out a shriek of laughter. Chloe had gathered around them with the rest of the girls, intrigued on how they could laugh so much over a bird responding to a burp. They all shrugged their shoulders and left.

"Hey! It isn't my birdie's fault! It's not mine either! I can't help it when I burp can I? It's like me telling you to stop with your talent, it would be near impossible." Rick retaliated, hands on his hips in a sophisticated manner.

"Well it's not nice of your bird to pick on a sickly patient like him!" Adan shot back, pointing an accusing finger back at him. T rolled his eyes, grumbling.

With a few movements, the argument was stopped at once. Chad stood in the middle of them both, gripping hold of Adan's hair and looking sternly at him.

"How dare you accuse him of such a thing! I believe that what he is saying is factually correct, therefore leaving you without proof, thus fishing you out as an absolute-" Chad growled, only to be interrupted by Sir.

"Na-uh-uh~ no swearing on my watch! No matter how old you get i will not allow such language while you're under my care." He stated, wagging a finger at them. He cackled, turning around and pointing forwards.

"I hope you're looking forward to the obstacle course! It is apart of your activities! And you shall meet a very special person very soon, although I should want to find at least another murderer in this group of aspiring business people! Now onward!"

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