Waves Of An Ocean

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All of these thoughts and emotions
Swirling around and jumbled like the waves of an ocean

People keep telling me that I should be more open
But how do i do that if I wasn't taught
How do i be more open if I'm scared you will be angry
If I was told to hold it in

I don't
I leave it inside and let the waves grow bigger and bigger

Scared to think about it in fear I will be triggered
But in the end its just swirling around my head
Making me wish i was dead

Making me feel like I'm drowning in the waves of an ocean

But maybe one day I'll be more open
My thoughts won't be swirling
And I will be friends with the waves in the ocean

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Waves Of An Ocean

All of these thoughts and emotions
Swirling like the waves of an ocean

People say to be more open
But how do I do that when  I feel that they will have a bad reaction
That they will say
"Oh, Your just confused"
Or "Dont worry, your just angry"

When they don't understand that my thoughts are scrambled and jumbled like the waves of am ocean

That I'm just one of a million feeling like this
That no matter how hard we try, we cant help it

That it's hard for us to open up
That we've been quiet for so long that we forgot jow to speak up
Its scary to tell someone how you feel
Because you're worried you will be tosses aside

That your feelings will be labeled  as a phase
But you go with it, although you've felt like this for years.
Tried to speak up but it fell upon deaf ears
So  you gave up

You closes yourself off
For so pong you forgot to open up.
So your thoughts stay there.
They stay swirling and jumbled up like the waves of an ocean.

AHHHHH THEIR SO DIFFERENT 😂😂😂 but i wrote the original copy when i was confused about tons of things, one of them being gender, although i wasnt confused on that the way you think, i knew i was trans ftm, i was just confused  on why i was like this and how to tell my parents ! (The day after i wrote this poem i left a coming  out letter on my moms bed and went for a walk because i was scared to see her reaction, But it went well and she hugged me when i got home and such!) ANYWAYSSSSSS HAVE A NICE DAY/NUGHT LOVELIES!!!❤❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙

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