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"And? What happened after, Nana?" Her 17-year-old great-granddaughter asked her.

"Of course, we got married a week after her proposal," she smiled when she remembered how they rushed everything because she could no longer wait to get tied down to the only woman she has ever loved.

"Nana Lisa sounded amazing, I wish I had met her," her great-granddaughter Lily said in a sad tone. "Do you think she would have liked me if we had met?" Lily asked her Nana.

"I am confident that your Nana Lisa would spoil you too much, like how she did with your grandma Ella." Jennie coughed and Lily hurriedly gave her a glass of water. Jennie took a sip and when she gave the glass back to Lily, her wedding band slipped off from her finger.

Lily picked it up and put it back on Jennie's ring finger. However, she noticed that her Nana Jennie's fingers were already too frail and thin due to old age. So, Lily removed her necklace and used it to hold the ring, then wrapped it around her Nana Jennie's neck.

"I am sure you do not want to be apart from it," Lily said.

Jennie touched the ring and smiled sweetly. "Thank you, darling. You are very attentive and sweet, just like her."

"Nana, how long has it been since..." Lily trailed off.

"25 years," Jennie answered. Lily does not have to finish her question, Jennie understood it.

"Didn't you get lonely? You did not get the chance to grow old together?" Lily asked her.

"I was looking forward to getting old with her, she had promised me that, but that is the only promise she did not fulfill," Jennie said with a sad smile on her face. "I get lonely, of course. I miss her, every single day. I was so used to seeing her face and hearing her voice, that when she took her eternal rest, everything became different. But your Nana Lisa made me feel so loved that even though she's no longer with us, I can still feel her love resonating," Jennie said. The look on her face shows that she has taken a trip to memory lane, to the times when Lisa was still with her.

"Nana, you said she was a dashing woman, that even though you have been married for so long, other women would still come to her? Did you not get worried about that?" Lily asked her again.

"I know Lisa can be very irresistible, I know that for a fact, but I trust your Nana and I trust the love she had for me. I know she was loyal and faithful to the best of my knowledge," Jennie said.

"Your love story is so wonderful, Nana," Lily has this wishful thinking on her face that made Jennie chuckled.

"Once you have found the love of your life, that would be the most wonderful love story in the world. Nothing is greater than your own story," she told Lily.

"Nah, I doubt that. Daddy is very strict. He does not even allow me to have a sleepover with my friends," Lily said while pouting.

"It is because your father Luca is very protective of you because he loves you so much. Your Nana Lisa was like that to your grandma Ella too," Jennie explained to her great-granddaughter. She remembered how Lisa would always intimidate our only daughter's suitors.

"If they get intimidated, then they are not worthy of our daughter," Lisa said.

"Did you not get intimidated with my dad?" I asked Lisa.

"I respect your dad, my love, but I was never intimidated," Lisa told her.

"But still..." Lily whined.

"Would you like to hear more stories about us?" Jennie asked Lily.

Lily excitedly joined her in her bed and get under her sheets, preparing herself for another late-night storytelling.

Jennie woke up and found herself laying on a field full of lilies.

"Where am I?" Jennie asked herself.

"Jennie," Jennie heard a voice, a very familiar voice.

She quickly turned around and there she, standing a few feet away from her. Jennie quickly ran to Lisa and wrapped her arms around the taller woman's body.

"I missed you, Lisa," Jennie said with tears in her eyes.

"I know, Jennie," Lisa said.

"Wait, is this a dream? Why can I feel your body?" Jennie removed herself from their embrace, and when she looked at Lisa's face, she knew this was not a dream.

"I'm... I'm...," Jennie did not know what to say.

"You are with me now, Jennie," Lisa finished her sentence for her.

"Then, what about Ella? What about our family?" Jennie asked Lisa.

"They are ready, Jennie. You don't have to worry about them anymore," Lisa said.

Jennie caressed Lisa's face, as if making sure they are really together once again.

"You looked exactly how I remembered you, Lisa. While me, a frail and old woman full of wrinkles," Jennie said.

Lisa laughed when she heard it. "What are you saying? You still looked the same too," Lisa told her.

That's when Jennie noticed that her hands and arms looked like the arms of a young woman, they are smooth once again.

Lisa planted a kiss at the back of her hand. "You still looked perfect."

"Did you wait for so long, my love? Didn't you get lonely here, all by yourself?" Jennie asked Lisa with tears in her eyes.

"I have been waiting, but I didn't get lonely for I was watching you everyday. You are just right on time," Lisa answered. She grabbed Jennie's hand and they began walking to nowhere.

"I am sorry. You have always been the one waiting for me," Jennie said while leaning her head on Lisa's shoulder while they were walking.

"It's fine, Jennie. I don't want you to be alone here. And you are worthy of waiting, my love," Lisa said before planting a soft kiss on Jennie's lips.

And so, the two of them began their journey. They don't know where their destination is, but it does not matter, as long as they have each other, then everything will be just fine.

The end.

The Heiress and The Bodyguard 2 [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now