Chapter 59

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Author POV

"NO!! NO!! NO!! TYPE! BII!!! NO!! NO!!" Tharn murmured as they were trying to run to type

And when he finally saw him. He immediately dropped on the floor and attempted to touch him, but he couldn't seem to do it.

"Tha. rn. Tha.rn." Type struggling while saying this. A pool of blood is coming from his head and mouth. He is shaking

"No!! No!! No!! Baby!! Please don't leave me!! Please stay with me. Please!! You'll be okay, right?? We're going to be okay, right?? Please baby!! Stay awake!!" Tharn hysterically said to type

Type can only look at him. Tear was starting to fall from his eyes. He is trying so hard not to sleep because all he wants right now is to see Tharn and say

"I . y.ou. boo." Type said before losing his consciousness


Tharn is shaking right now, especially when he sees the body of Type, who is now drenched with his own blood.

The white shirt that Type is currently wearing has been recolored into RED.

His hand is shackinv when he is trying to hold Type's body but was stopped by Lhong

"Biiiiii" Tharn's body is shaking

"Tharn stop!! Don't move him. You may damage his body much worst. I already called an ambulance!" Lhong worriedly said to Tharn, but he doesn't seem to hear that Saint have to hold down Tharn to stop him

"LET ME GO!! TYPE NEEDS ME!! MY BABY NEEDS ME!!" Tharn repeatedly said to Saint. But Saint keeps holding Tharn down.

Mild is just crying while staring at the body of the unconscious Type.

After 5 minutes, the ambulance came and gently tried to put Type's body into the ambulance.

The four shaking and crying men who could only watch as the ambulance started to go!!

Then they all follow it hastefully

Tharn can only cry and pray for Type's safety on the way.

The 10-minute journey into BMC seems like a lifetime.


When they arrive at the hospital, Tharn, who is overwhelming worried for his love, immediately go to the emergency room and tries to enter

but one of the guy nurses stopped them

"SIR, YOU CAN'T ENTER!" Nurse said

"NO!! I need to be there. My baby needs me!! Please let me enter!!" Tharn is pleading at the nurse

"Sorry, Sir, but you can't enter. You will just disturb..." The nurse can't finish his word because Tharn angrily pulled the nurse and pinned him into the wall

"I SAID! I NEED TO ENTER!! TYPE NEEDS ME!!! HE NEEDS ME!!" Tharn angrily said to the nurse

"Tharn!! Calm down!!" Both Saint and Lhong said in unison while trying to pull Tharn away from the nurse.

"He needs me! My Type's need me!! We are going to meet. Everything is finally going to be okay!! He needs me!! He needs me!! My Type's need me!! We are going to meet. Everything is finally going to be okay!! He needs me!! My Type's need me!! We are going to meet. Everything is finally going to be okay!! He needs me!! My Type's need me!! We are going to meet. Everything is finally going to be okay!! He needs me!! My Type's need me!! We are going to meet. Everything is finally going to be okay!! He needs me!! My Type's need me!! We are going to meet. Everything is finally going to be okay!!"

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