Chapter 41

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Olivia's pov

"Jack wake up!" I whisper/shouted shaking jack. "nooo 5 more minutes." he groaned. "jack I have to bring you to the hospital." I said. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "but I wanna stay here and cuddle. I like when your in my arms at night." "jack you have two more days including today before you leave the hospital. come on let me just drive you there. lets go." "but I'm warmm." "uh I know. I hate it when you get out of a warm bed but that's not the point. come on I will put the heaters on in the car." "uggghh fine." he groaned. his morning voice was so hot. We got in the car and I drove to the hospital. it was about a 10 minute drive so it wasn't that far. we arrived at the hospital and me and jack quickly went to his room. there was jacks main nurse there and she saw us as we tried to sneak pass her. "I will only let it slide because you guys are really cute together and I find cute teenage couples sneaking places adorable. just don't tell any of the other nurses or doctors." she said quietly laughing. we thanked her and we told her that her secret is safe. We quietly ran into jacks room and we started to laugh. "she's my favourite nurse. she always is makin me laugh and she always brings happiness to the room. reminds me of you kinda." jack said getting in his bed. "aw thanks jack. now get some sleep." I said kissing his forehead. "night livy" he said. "night jacky poo" I said leaving his room and turning out the light. I got back in the car and called jake.

"What do you want at 3 in the morning?" he answered.

"I have your car dipshit." I said.

"Oh shit yea. I thought you would give me it back at midnight. What did you do?"

"Nothing. we went back to my hotel and I just forgot to give it back cause we watched a movie."

"Okay that's fine. So are you coming to give me my car now?"

"Yea but the thing kinda have to drive me back to my hotel."

"Yea no I'm not getting out of my bed. its warm and I'm cozy."

"Foosh pleasee."

"Uhh whatever just keep my car and bring it to me tomorrow."

"Yea but how am I supposed to get around?"

"Call a taxi, use Shawn I don't know. oh yea how is Shawn? you two still together??"

"Nahh. we had to break it off when I moved. but me and him still hang. which reminds me he wanted to chill with me before I go back so I gotta call him but besides that he's good."

"Cool. so just give me my car back tomorrow. Okay I'm tired night."

"Okay night foush."

"Night liv."

I ended the call. I'm actually really tired too. I drove back to the hotel half asleep. once I got in my room I jumped in bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up I had a text from Shawn.

Shawny✌: hey liv what's up? long time no talk. how's jack?

Me: hey Shawn jacks good its his second last day at the hospital before he leaves so I'm excited. but other than that everything has been good wbu?

Shawny✌: that's great for jack! and I'm good but I was wondering if your not doing anything today we could hang at my place or go out?

Me: yea sounds good pick me up at 12?

Shawny✌: okay ill be there. and which hotel are u at again?

Me: four seasons.

Shawny✌: okay see you then bye.

Me: peace shawn✌

Since he's coming at twelve and its 9 right now that gives me 3 hours to do the shit I need to do. first I need to drop foush's car off. I put on one of jacks sweatshirts that he gave me back in omaha and leggings. I got in the car and blank space was on. "overplayed" I said switching the station. then love me harder was on. "overplayed" I repeated switching the stations again. then happy was on "fucking overplayed. fuck this shit." I said grabbing the aux cord from the arm rest and plugging one end into my phone and the other in the car. I put my phone on shuffle and best i ever had by drake played. "Finally" I said. I pulled into foush's driveway and walked to his front door. "sup baby" he said opening his door and hugging me. "sup foush" I said walking in his house. I saw all the boys sitting there watching TV and I went to sit by Justin. "hey sexy long time no see" he said touching my thigh. "Hey Justin" I laughed. I stayed for a bit then left. "peace babes" I said. "bye baby girl." they all shouted. Now i need to go to the hospital. oh shit I need foush to drive me. oh well the walk is only 15 minutes. I started walking and soon reached the hospital. I went up to jacks room and saw him watching tv and eating breakfast. "hey livy." he said smiling. "hey Jacky poo." I laughed. "so cute." the same nurse that we saw last night said walking in. We both laughed. "but uh jack we need to test you again so I have to take you for a couple minutes is that okay?" she asked. Jack looked at me. "yea that's fine." I smiled. the nurse grabbed jacks arm helping him out of bed. "uh nurse could I try and walk
By myself?" He said giving me a
Quick smile. "Sure." she said letting go of jacks arm. He got up no problem. she was so surprised. "wow that's great!" she said excited. he started to walk out the door and she turned to look at me. "oh my gosh was he walking like this yesterday?" she said with her mouth open. "yup. he surprised me too!" I smiled. the nurse walked out and after jack. I just took out my phone and was scrolling through Instagram when a picture of janelle and Sammy came on my screen and 'biyatch💙' appeared at the top. I clicked answer. (no duh)

(Play wait by m38)

"Hello beach" I said.

"Olivia I need to talk to you." janelle said. I could tell she was crying.

"Oh shit what happened?"

"Well you know how I told you that Sam was depressed and he was gonna cut?"


"Well he's at it again but it's worse. last night after leaving my house I got a text from him saying 'I will love you no matter what happens and it's not your fault. it's my own choice. I can't handle this pressure anymore. I love you janelle forever and always. Dont forget that. when im not there anymore to cuddle you at night please remember me. and when you need a hug and someone in your bed please don't replace me with a douche bag. I need my baby to be with some one who she loves. I don't want you getting hurt. and I know I'm hurting you by doing this but baby please just remember me. I don't want to be 'just another guy' please baby I love you and don't forget that. it's not your fault. don't blame yourself. I love you. see you in heaven xoxo.' A-and l-last night I-i got a call from the hospital s-saying h-he s-s-shot himself." she was full on crying and tears were rushing down my face.

"Oh my he alive?"

"Y-yea but h-he's in a c-coma and they d-don't know w-when he will g-get out"

"I don't know what to say."

"J-just l-liv when j-jack gets out t-tomorrow c-come as q-quick as you c-can."

"O-okay I love you janelle. Stay strong babe"

"L-love y-you t-too a-and t-thanks."

The line went dead. my mind is blank. Sam can't die, he has to wake up. this is bad. jacks gonna be pissed. terrible. why would Sam do that? jack is out tomorrow. But maybe it's not about jack? what would it be about? I don't get it. janelle has to stay strong. A thousand thoughts are going through my mind. I put my head in my hands and start heavily crying. then a time I wish would never come. jack walked in with a huge smile quickly fading. "oh my god what happened baby?" he said hugging me and sitting in his bed. I wiped my tears and looked at jack.
"Sam shot himself." I said keeping in my tears. jacks eyes became watery and tears started coming down his face. this is bad.

A/N tbh I cried writing this. im so evil. but sorry for the long wait. hope you enjoy. or don't enjoy if your a Sammy girl. if u are then sorry babe😁😘 vote and comment please💜

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