Chapter 2- You-?

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I got out of bed after my father had left. We've been packing for a while, we sold most of our stuff so we had enough to get some furniture back in Oklahoma.

As I stretched, I felt a pain in my stomach. "Ow." I muttered before I began walking to the bathroom

I went straight to my tub and turned the handle, making hot steamy shower water come out, I soon stripped out of my pajamas and entered the shower,


After I got out, I wrapped a towel around myself and went back into my room. I grabbed a BVB tank top, black ripped skinny jeans and some combat boots and put them on. I began to brush my purple locks,

Purple? Yes purple, I dyed it a while back, so many questions your probably asking right? What did your mother say? Well she didn't say anything, she's dead, she died from cancer when I was 11, a year after we moved to New York... Fucking perfect

Anyways, I had, one moment in time a step mom, but she got dumped a month after they got married, cause she was rude to me, hehe whore

Well I should probably get going, off to the airport.., see you there


My father and I got out of the tulsa airport, dragging luggage with the help of some others. My father had called a taxi. It's surprising to think such a town as this would of taxis...

The taxi pulled up and asked. "Mr. Canter?" "That's me," that's when he got out of the car. "Let me help you." He walked up to us and the others and we soon packed our things into the trunk and some into the back. Father and I got into the back some how and the driver got back in and drove us to our house.


When I got out, a boy drove by on his bike, almost hitting me. "Hey watch it dickhead!" I yelled. He ignored me and kept going. I hugged and my father and I got our stuff out of the taxi and into the home.

"Ah Mr. Carter!" A woman said. "Oh hello Ms. Dancin" must have been the real-estate lady. "You must be Sophia-" "-sophie." I interrupted. "Oh well it's nice to meet you! And welcome to-" "you mean welcome back." I interrupted as I began walking off.

She gave a nervous chuckle. "Oh my..." "Please forgive her, she's been like this.. Ever sense her mother died." My father spoke. "Oh-" Ms. Dancin spoke. "Well I'll leave these cookies here, and call me if you need anything else!" She placed a plate on a table before leaving the house.

I went to my old room, which is going to be my new room. I sat down on the bare floor. "No carpet, no furniture, no nothing..." I grunted and fell back. I brought my hands to my mouth and screamed into them. "MOM!!!!!" I screamed in agony, I missed her so much, do you know what it's like to group up without a mother for 8 years?! I had to deal with periods by myself and heartbreaks, maybe if I had a mother I wouldn't have cut, maybe if I had a mother, I wouldn't take medicine, maybe if I had a mother, I wouldn't think low of myself..

Maybe if-

No sophie! Think better, do what Doctor Ricks said, smiles and joy makes the sads go.... Stupid saying, I hate it

I got up from the cold wooden floor and walked out. I walked down the stairs and saw boxes that we're getting open.

I saw my penny board in one and grabbed it. "I'm going for a ride!" I yelled and left, not letting my father say a word

When I got to the concrete I put my penny on the ground and began riding down the street, letting my hair flow behind me. Well I had a snap back on. But it wasn't flying off so I was good.

I yawned and kept riding before I heard. "Hey!" the boy riding the bike went by, we had eye contact for a split second, he kept looking back at me before I yelled. "Watch out!" That's when he hit a tree ...

Damn that was funny! He just went *splat* and fell back.

I skitted to a stop and picked up the penny board and walked to him. "You aright dickhead?" I asked

"Where did that name come from?" He asked groaning. "You almost ran over me earlier...." I rolled my eyes. "I'm Sophie by the way." He looked up at me.... "I'm Josh.."

That was familiar, I've heard that name before. "What's your last name?" He asked. "Canter.... Why?" "Does your mom have cancer?" "She died from it." I glared at him. "Little sophie canter, my best friend from birth to now, left me for 9 years." He spoke softly

"Wait.... What"


A/N: hey guys! Sorry for the sucky chapters, had to get through the boring stuff, I can't wait to see what this story will bring! Also I may in the future do a character contest........ Maybe, maybe not who knows! Bye lovelys!
-Queen JG

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