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!slur warning!

Demetri's heart was practically jumping out of his chest. No fucking way. He'd known Eli since Kindergarten and never, ever had expected Eli to kiss him. I mean sure, he would admit that he'd always had a bit of a crush on Eli, even though he'd never tell that to Hawk, let alone Eli. But Demetri was smarter than this. He wouldn't let Eli's plan get to him, cause he knew that this was just meant to throw him off guard, embarrass him, and Demetri wasn't letting that happen.

Eli walked back to where the main fight was, playing a smirk on his lips. Truthfully, he wasn't sure he should be smirking, it wasn't like the kiss had meant anything, for fucks sake Eli had called him a nerd right after. But he still had finally done it. After years of working up the courage to kiss Demetri, it had taken him to get a tattoo, dye his hair, learn karate, and change his name to finally do it. And holy shit, it had felt good. Now, Hawk isn't gay. He's not having some sort of actual feelings for his best friend. Well, ex-best friend, now more like nemeses-who-kissed-in-a-computer-lab. But back to the point, if anyone was gay in this situation, it's Demetri. A comic book nerd who couldn't speak to a girl to save his life. Besides, Demetri didn't even like the way girls looked. One Friday after school they were having a sleepover, and they decided to watch porn, out of curiosity, even though Demetri thought it was "absolutely putrid and unattractive" to film yourself having sex. Demetri actually screwed up his face in disgust, it was hilarious. Not that Hawk really enjoyed it himself, though he'd never say that out loud.

Now even though "Hawk" and "Eli" didn't have much in common, they both agreed on one thing, just one. They both loved kissing Demetri. A part of him loved the thrill of it, how Demetri was trembling in fear, his skin hot and flushed, how he submitted himself to Hawk so easily, his eyes bulging and bewildered. The other part of him loved Demetri. He would never admit that to anyone, not even himself, but just the fact that he was kissing Demetri was all he needed. The way he felt, his lips smooth due to his over-excessive chapstick application and hydration skills, quivering slightly, how quickly his lips parted slightly, inviting Eli in without any reluctance. He could melt into that feeling and stay there happily forever.

But that would be stupid. He has his title to think about. He could never be with Demetri, that'd completely ruin his status. He has to be cool. He's worked so fucking hard to get there, dealt with all the shit they put him through, overcame so much self hate and insecurities, and he will not be pushed back down just because of a stupid boy. A boy. That'd ruin his life! He's a ladies man, this school isn't a very gay-friendly one, and if he were to just come out and say "Look, here I am, gay and making out with my best friend!" They'd ruin him. He'd be dead meat. Even his karate friends would beat his ass. Hell, even Miguel would be freaked out. He'd lose everything. His own mother had told him that being gay was a disgrace, that faggots were freaks. He was a freak once for his lip and no way he's going back to that now, not for Demetri, not for anyone. He's cobra kai, not some fag. Not now, not ever. 

Hawk finally reaches the hallway that Demetri ran from and notices that no one is there anymore. He'd thought at least his goons would be there, ready to cheer him on when he returned, but even they're gone. He's about to get mad, he was ready to make an entrance after defeating Demetri, but instead, he's alone, no one to tell him what a badass he is. He kicks a locker, denting the blue painted metal and sending sharp pains through his foot, but he doesn't notice. Where is everyone? He's about to go find them when he hears yelling from the main staircase, lots of yelling. Frankly, he doesn't know how he missed it in his anger. He runs past the hundred rows of lockers, turning swiftly through a hallway and past the bathrooms into the entrance of the school. He freezes when he sees Miguel and Robby, beating each other to a pulp at the top of the stairs. Miguel seems to be winning, pulling back Robbys arm as Robby lays on his stomach, Miguel about to twist his arm back and break it, when he freezes. "Finish him!" Hawk yells, wondering why he'd stop so close to victory, but instead, he lets go of his arm, letting it fall by his side. He seems to whisper something and starts to walk away when Robby elbows him in the head, sending Miguel to his knees, then as Miguel stands to fight back, Robby kicks him straight in the stomach, sending Miguel over the rail. Hawk freezes in terror- his eyes widening as he watches one of his closest friends scream as he falls to the ground, his arms waving in the air as if grasping for his life. It seems as if everything is in slow-mo, time momentarily stopping as if stretching his life just a few extra seconds before it quickens again, and Miguels back hits the railing, sending him unconscious.

Hawk stands still for a moment, unable to move to Miguel's side even though he longs to help. He can't take his eyes from his body, limp and unmoving, practically dead. People run to Miguel's side, grabbing him and laying him on a stretcher, dragging him away from the scene of the crime. He watches them take him from the building and into an ambulance, watches them take him away, and his fury returns, red hot and ready to strike. He shifts his gaze to the top of the stairs again, where Robby still stands, in shock. The two boys' eyes meet, one confused and remorseful and the others vengeful and furious. Hawks legs finally remember how to move and he runs to the base of the stairs, his feet seeming to move faster than they ever have, skipping past an unconscious girl on the stairs and a pool of blood. Robby finally realizes the impairment he's inflicted and runs. Hawk reaches the top of the stairs and chases after him, breaking through the crowd of shocked students, and flicks his eyes in an attempt to find the boy who hurt his friend, though he's disappeared. He searches every hall, every classroom, bathroom, and janitor's closet, but can't find him anywhere. 

He reaches the exit and kicks it open, about to continue his pursuit of revenge, but when he gets there, he freezes. All that had happened today hit him in a swirl of emotions, everything that had nagged at him for weeks finally breaking his barriers, the weight of being "Hawk" finally catching up with him, and he can't take it. He slumps to the ground, his back to the glass door, and lets a single sob fall out. A tear glazes his bruised cheek and his eyes close, inhaling the fresh air. He was so done with this. So done with hurting people and watching people get hurt. He just wanted to run away, go somewhere else, somewhere that pain didn't exist. He let himself fantasize for a moment, let himself dream of a place where he could be a normal kid, a kid who was never teased or hit, a kid who never discovered karate, a kid who never kissed his best friend. A place where all the stress was nonexistent and he could be happy. 

Eli opened his eyes and brought his hand up to his hair, feeling the product-induced mohawk that had got him his name, and came back to reality. He stood up, wiped the single tear he had allowed to fall off of his cheek, barred his fist, and walked back inside. He passed through hallways and reached his way to the smaller staircase in the back. He couldn't be seen right now, couldn't face the crowd, and ran down the stairs, out the exit, and made his way down the sidewalk, running until the school, and the people, were out of sight.

hey! sorry it took me so long, i actually didn't think anyone would like it so when i got a lot of comments telling me to do another chapter i was like "whhhhhhahaaaaaaaaaaaat" so i had to actually think about what i wanted to do lol. ive also just been rlly busy and have been having majjjjjjjjor writing block. also, sorry for the quality of this chapter and the lack of demetri, im in class and i just wanted to get something out. i swear ill get better at posting, i might even put something out tomorrow if i get the chance. tysm for all the support ive gotten, like i said i didn't think people would like this so that's rlly cool. 

also, if you could comment any name suggestions, i haven't thought of one yet but maybe i willlllll

oki fanks!! lots of love!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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