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Demetri ran from Eli, through hall after hall until he found his safe place- the computer lab. He runs in the room and is met with an abandoned classroom, the elective didn't start till next week. He sat right underneath the window where Eli couldn't see him if he ran past. A few seconds dragged on, before he heard Eli.
" Demetri, where are you..." His voice was the kind the serial killer used in the movies. Demetris heart pounded in his chest. Fuck.
"I know you're here, you fucking nerd." Demetri could cry. He hated Hawk. He loved Eli. Footsteps pass his room and he sighs, peering through the window. Eli walks to the next room, shaking the locked door knob. Demetri got up and turned around, only to be met with Eli's dancing eyes.

Demetri's pov

They were excited, in a strange way. As though he enjoyed my suffering. I shiver, finally moving out of my trance and running towards the exit, but I don't get very far because Hawk pushes me back, knocking me against the wall and sending a sharp pain through my back. He walks closer, looking me right in the eyes with that horrid smirk of his. God, I hated how he made me feel. This was so illogical. I should be fighting back.
"Given up? Scared I'll beat the shit out of you?" His words sound cold in his mouth, but his lip quivers slightly, something you wouldn't notice if you weren't staring right at his lip. I move to punch him, but he blocks it right away. I decide that running is my best option, considering the fact he's stronger and buffer than me, but I'm quicker on my feet. I look at the position we're in and wonder why he hasn't hit me yet. His arms are on the wall, blocking me in, and his chest is close to mine, suffocating me in the smell of sweat and blood. I look up slightly, my eyes meeting his. I blink and then duck under his arm, moving to the exit, but he grabs me and pins me to the ground, placing his knee in between my thighs, threatening to move up slightly and rap me in pain. The other is on my side, pressing in and shooting sharp stabs of pain to my side. His left elbow pushes on my chest while his right hand threatens my neck. His eyes still have that, that electricity, that flame, dancing through them. He looks hungry, probably hungry for my blood. As I stare at him he stares right back, menacing and threatening my existence.
"Well? Say something you pussy!" He growls, breaking the silence. It's silent for a moment as I debate what to ask, finally deciding on the question that been bugging me forever.
"Would you really hurt me?" I look at him pleading and notice his slight hesitation, his pause as if silently fighting himself in his mind. Finally, he answers by picking me slightly off the ground by my shirt and slamming me down. The look in his eye changes slightly, and I catch a glimpse of Eli, the Harry Potter loving, Doctor Who excited, nerdy, insecure but still excited, kid, who was my best friend, my bio brother. Though he never knew I always wanted to be more. I hated his obsession with girls, his need to be popular, his other friends. I liked what was happening right now because all his attention is on me. Just me.
I decide to take a chance.
"I miss you" the silence that follows is just that: silence. Not comfortable at all, but not cold. Not scary. I look sideways, at the door, and breathe, waiting for him to punch me. I slowly turn my head and focus on his face. First his hair, spiked and dyed red,  then his ears, pink and blushed,  nose, lips. Finally, my eyes meet his. He looks confused. Excited, hungry, and confused. We look right at each other, the silence unbearable. Then he jams his lips into mine. What? He's passionate, angry, and hot. I slowly kiss him back, scared at first before jumping into it, excited at the idea of this new boy, not Eli, not Hawk, but somebody in between. His lips are chapped and round, enticing and new. His tongue licked my bottom lip and I whimpered, opening my mouth and letting him slip inside, not bothering to fight for dominance. God, I love kissing. Everywhere we touched was burning, electricity passing through us. He moved his knee upward towards my cock and I'm lit on fire, suddenly wanting him so much it was insane. Just as I was about to beg for more, he pulls away, giving me that smirk of his. He grabs my face and pulls me up off the ground, so I can feel his breath leave his lips, huffing right in my face.
"Bye, nerd" then he drops my head, stands up, and walks away. I lay there stunned for a moment playing the moment over and over again in my mind. Oh my god.

*hey, lmk what u thought and if u want other stories
**did some editing 1/71/21, didn't realize how bad this is lol. damn my makeout writing skills were trash at this time. i think they've gotten better, so hopefully this next chapter will be better. (got sum shit in my drafts rn)

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