Friday June 5th, 2012

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Dear Diary,
Today was the worst day ever! I am literally in tears as my parents were just killed by the Canadian government. As you may not know, my family is a rare crossbreed called Panda People. This species was invented in a lab by accident over 50 years ago. Now, we are considered a "threat" to human kind. And because of this, the government were on the look out for any Panda People. Most people believed we were extinct, as we were believed to be killed off many years ago. But my family survived, I don't know how, but we did! Up until today, we are no longer a full family. How did it happen you ask? It started like this:
Me and my family were going for a walk one sunny summer evening. Me and Scarrlette, who is my 2 year old little sister, were playing a game of tag, while my parents talked about who knows what. That's what they always did, after all. All of a sudden, 2 tall men in black suits with very large guns showed up. "Four panda people!" One yelled. "I'll get the older female!" "And I'll get the older male!" The other one screamed. They both charged to my mother & father. Me and Scarrlette stood, paradises with fear. That's when we heard another , younger sounding voice: "Want me to go get the two kids!" Yelled a young boy..about my age, maybe 10 years old. "FAWN, SCARRLETTE, GO KNOW!" Yelled my father. And so we did. We ran, we ran,and ran, and ran. It seemed as though we ran forever. The adrenaline in my blood was overpowering, and so I could not stop.
(End of story)
Now I'm in the the middle of no-where. With my little 2 year old sister. I don't know how to raise a baby. I was never taught. I had never gone to school because my family was poor & needed all the extra help they could get. It seemed as though my only friends as on know we're Scarrlette, and the animals. Ahhhhh the animals.. But that's a different story.. Well, I have to go. I have a lot of figuring out to do. Right in the middle of an apocalypse. Wow. I never thought I would be that girl.

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