Rules (after joining)

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We're back with the rules of the community!


1. You must be an Arianator to join. If this wasn't obvious enough. 

2. Having Discord isn't a must, but it's preferred you do. It'll eventually become where we all talk, about Ariana Grande or not.

3. Being active is mandatory. I don't want this to be a useless place.

4. Be nice to other Arianators. If I notice you harrassing others, you will be muted on this account and kicked from the Arianators_Community.

5. Have fun! It's important to know I made this for fun and to meet other Arianators and to connect with them, so you'd think having fun is a rule.

6. Failure to follow rules will result in (all of these): this account muting you, the founder muting you from her account, a kick from the Arianators_Community, and a ban from the Discord server (when it's made).

Those are all of the rules for now. Will probably add more later!

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