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I'm back with an Arianators_Community form!


Preferred name:

Are you an Arianator/fan of Ariana Grande? (if the answer is no you can't be in this community):

What was your first Ariana Grande song?:

What made you become an Arianator?:

All rules followed?:


Totally did not forget to mention what the password is. Well, the password is your favorite Ariana Grande song! Also totally did not forget to mention that I'll be deleting the form after accepting it. If it's not accepted I'll tell you what you need to fix.

Please use only ONE COMMENT for your whole form.

Here's an example form (aka the form of the founder):

Username: Arianator_Tikki

Preferred name: Tikki

Are you an Arianator/fan of Ariana Grande? (if the answer is no you can't be in this community): Duh!

What was your first Ariana Grande song?: I'm pretty sure it was Break Free, not completely sure 

What made you become an Arianator?: I don't know exactly, honestly. I just listened to Break Free, and here I am!

All rules followed?: Yep!

Password: If I had to choose one...... Break Free. But I love all of them!

Comment your form here 👉

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