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"don't worry, chim. everything's gonna be alright," she comforted him, patting his back. his face remained blank, the most popular lie of them all: 'everything's gonna be alright.' he didn't even know what to believe in anymore.

nodding at her, he smiled.

"is there anything new that's happening?" she asked, her brows scrunched up due to worry. how could she look so cute even when she's disturbed?

"but first where's my chocolate?" jimin asked, a slight smile tugging on the edge of his mouth. she took out small chocolate covered in red wrapper out of her pocket.

"the doctor said you weren't supposed to have chocolate, you know. you're supposed to eat healthily."

"who cares what the doctor says? i'm tired of eating green every day. i swear even the smoothies are green, it tastes like shit."

jimin beamed at her, taking a bite from the chocolate that was as tasty as ever.

he bit his lip in contemplation and remained silent for a few seconds, then answered. "yes. it's like i can hear voices around me, at night especially."

"of who?" she asked, running her hands through his silky hair.

"my dad."

she gasped, staring at him in horror. his dad had passed away two years ago. she immediately tried looking as nonchalant as possible. after all, she couldn't make him feel like he was a patient.

"do you understand what he's saying?"

"most of the time it's just unearthly whispers. the whispers surround me as if the people are really there, it's like i can almost feel his presence. most of the time, the whispers are inexplicable, this time i really did hear what he was saying."


"he said, 'join me.'"

ignoring the look of horror on her face, he casually threw the chocolate wrapper on the floor. 

chocolate wrapper; jimin✔️Where stories live. Discover now