Part Three

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So, this will probably end up being around 12 parts, maybe more. Just wanted to give you guys an estimate. (:

Thanks so much for reading! Hope you all are enjoying it and feel free to leave a comment letting me know what you think!

As I said before, the completed version is on ao3, and you can find me by my username timefornothing. Thanks again!

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About an hour into the movie, there was a quick knock on the door, one that he recognized immediately as his mom's. He got up from the couch, leaving a laughing Anna and Taylor to go open the door.

"Liam, you have so much explaining to do." His mother told him as soon as he opened the door. He sighed, stepping aside so she could come in. Behind him, he heard a quiet, "Aunt Anna, who's that?" And Anna whispered back, "That's your grandma."

"Taylor, come meet your grandma." Liam called, watching as Anna paused the movie and a timid Taylor came around the couch. He paused, reaching behind him to grab Anna's hand before continuing forward.

"Oh God, he's precious." She squatted down, setting the bags she had on the ground beside her. "Hi, sweetheart!"

Taylor blushed, scooting closer to Anna's leg while Karen cooed, "Aw, he's just as shy as you were. And he's got your hair!" She stuck out her hand, offering it to Taylor. "You can call me Grandma or Grammy, whichever you prefer. It's nice to meet you, Taylor."

Taylor, seeing as he was being treated like a big boy, stuck his hand out, shaking it quickly before looking up at Liam and saying, "I like Grammy." Liam smiled, then Taylor looked back up to Anna, "Can we go finish the movie?"

Anna glanced at Liam, then nodded. "Yeah, your dad's gotta talk to his mom. We'll leave them to it." She was led away by a bouncing Taylor, and Karen stood again, giving Liam a look.

"Is he always hyper or did you give him something sugary already?"

Liam sighed and looked at the ground, and Karen patted his shoulder fondly. "We'll get to that later. First, I want to hear the full story." So, Liam brewed his mom a cup of tea, sat her down at the dining table, and told her everything, about how he had met Carly all the way up until the meeting this morning. And he was right, she was crying by the end of it. Thankfully, she didn't seem as angry anymore, and was only worried about Taylor.

"We need to go get him some good food. Can't have him eating anymore of those Lucky Charms, his teeth'll fall out. And some clothes. I brought some of your old stuff," She looked over to the bags she had, "And a few of your toys. But we definitely need to go shopping."

"Anna said she'd watch him while we went, since we probably need to go sooner rather than later." He told her as they stood, and she cocked an eyebrow. He smiled, "Anna is Perrie's cousin. Super sweet girl, really great." He looked over to the couch with a small smile, "She's the one who brought him the movie. Apparently it's his favorite." No response came, and he turned to find his mom looking at him with a knowing smile. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing." Karen smirked, going to get her keys. "Let's go shopping, yeah?"

"Yeah, alright." Liam turned back to the couch, "Hey, Anna, we're heading to the store. You want me to grab you anything?"

"You need more tea! You only had three bags left when I made some. And you're almost out of milk."

"And cookies!" Taylor piped up, which earned him a tickling from Anna. Liam smiled and turned back to his mom, shrugging on his coat. Karen watched him with a disdainful look. "Does Anna have your number so she can reach you if something happens?"

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