1. The ball

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The ball had just started, the music was cheerful and as loud as can be ; all the wizards and witches were chatting, each dressed in their most beautiful clothes and waiting for the host to declare the start of the dance, enjoying the night in the most distinguished way possible.

The sun was almost set, and with beautiful colors it seemed the sky was on fire. Inside the castle, the music was so harmonious you would think a great orchestra was playing ; but no, the music in question came from magical instruments, playing themselves in mid-air, twenty feet above the guests' heads.

Godric had only entered the black marble walls of the castle with his parents for ten minutes, and yet he was already bored. These kind of formal and shallow events never pleased him. He had to listen to serious conversations every time, and be polite to old and important people he did not care about, it was his duty as prince of Magic England.
Truth is, he was never really a good listener, and most of the time he could not stay in place more than five minutes.

His father always blamed him for it, he always had that disdainful look in his eyes when Godric made a joke. Called him "irresponsible", told him he wasn't a real man yet. He was the kind of Magic England and commander of the knights, you see. The great Gregory Gryffindor, royalty, war chief and respected man from one of the wealthiest and most powerful wizarding families in Great Britain.

It was tough for Godric to be up to the task, sometimes.
Speaking of the devil, his father's deep voice jolted him from his thoughts, making him jump a bit.

"Have you heard, my son ? Kenneth is telling you how he fought in the battle of the Red Moon ! Is that not admirable ?"

Sir Kenneth stared at him, waiting for Godric to say something. He was King Gregory's younger brother, and a rather dashing man for his mature age. He had some scars left as gifts from his greatest ennemies on his face, marked on him forever just like memories. Godric's father elbowed Godric and cleared his throat, as a way of telling him to answer wisely.

"Hum... Yes, yes, very admirable indeed, uncle Kenneth." the prince said while smirking.

"The ball is rather beautiful tonight, isn't it ? The Slytherin family really outdid themselves this time." said Queen Madeline, Godric's mother, to ignore the insolence of her son.

"Yes it is, your grace." said her brother-in-law. "I've heard the opening dance will start after Queen Stella's speech, at sundown."

The wizarding ball, as they call it, happens every two months, each time taking place at a different wizarding family's mansion. This time it was happening at the Royal Slytherin Castle on the west coast of Ireland. This dance was only for wealthy pure blood families from all around Europe, as muggles weren't so accepting of wizards.

At the time Great Britain was divided in four kingdoms, and all four royal families were often attending.
Children were allowed, but above the age of ten years old. They usually accompanied their parents to make their way into society, or simply for the sake of royal or noble duty. It was all about appearances, really.

"I'm telling you, Kenneth, we're on the edge of something big" his father said.

"I'm sure you're overthinking this, Gregory. The muggles aren't strong enough to fight us." replied his old childhood friend.

"War is coming, my friend. Maybe muggles will not be behind it, but the crowns of the four British kingdoms are coveted." his father said, in a sudden worryingly deep tone. "Many of our ennemies envy us, and most subjects wish to see the four kingdoms reunited as one. War is coming, I can feel it. And when it comes, I intend to be ready."

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