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3rd Person Pov.
İnfortuneatly Peter was still in school but it was his last period. Science.

Ms. Harper said. (Idk if Peter has a science teacher, ı just made up her name)
"Alright class. We have a test to you."

Ms. Harper said.
"You have one hour to finished it. The results are gonna be explained at NeXT class." (İts Early but Hey! İts A fanfic!)

Some students huffed. Actually every student huffed except Peter, Ned and MJ. At 30 minutes later, Flash gave his paper with a 'You like crabby patties don't you Squidward' face. 45 minutes later Peter gave his paper. Questions were easy for him. 5 minutes later Ned finished. 10 minutes later MJ finished. She didn't bother to be fast. She didn't bother anything, because well, she was MJ!

DIDIDIDIDIDIRRRRRRR *ım perfect at bell noises don't ı? *

Bell rang and everyone groaned.

Flash barked.
"Hey Penis Parker! Im gonna pass that test and you are posibly gonna pass because of Those orphan cries!"

Peter said.
"Im not in the mood. Just fuck of Flash"

Flash pinde Peter against A wall and Punchs him in his face.
"Don't you dare to answer me Parker. Your parents kill themselfs for getting away from you. And your Uncle Ben probably pay someone to shoot him.

He punchs Peter. When Peter falls at the ground his goons come and starts to kick & punch Like Flash. They leave because 1st: Ring ringed 2nd: They got bored.

Flash grabs Peter by his collar.
"You are just Puny Parker. Only thing you deserve is deserving Nothing."

He spits at Peter and leaves.

Ned pokes his Head out of the door.
"Oh My GoD Peter!"

Ned helpes Peter stand up. Without food for 1 and A half weeks, damage his super-healing. When They get inside of the class luckily teacher didn't come into class. 5 minutes later, Ms. Harper came in. She was A cute Lady with light-brown hair and blue eyes.

"Hello class. I read the tests that you have last lesson. But heres A catch, these tests where İnternship for Stark İndisturies! (A/N Im gonna call it SI later.)"
Ms. Harper said in An enthasuastic tone.

"Flash Thompson 37.63"
Ms. Harper said.

Flash smirked jerkly. And thought he has the highest score. Ohhhh he was so wrong!

"Betty Brant 52.74"
Ms. Harper said.

Betty lift her fist up in the air with victory.

"Ned Leeds 63.97"
Ms. Harper said.

Ned smiled widely at his score.

"Michelle Jones 65.70"
Ms. Harper said.

MJ just smirked for A milisecond. A miracle.

"And the highest score with only one wrong answer is...... Peter Parker! Congradulations Peter."
Ms. Harper says in A enthasuastic tone in her voice.

"You are gonna start after school today and every weekday and leave at 5 p.m."
Ms. Harper said.

"T-Thank you."
Peter says and nods. He was happend and excited for his chance of working at his childhood idol! But he sensed the beating he was going to get from Flash.


"Happy weekend kids!"
Ms. Harper said and leaved the classroom.

When Peter leave the classroom and get close to his locker, -the one and only- Flash came and punch him in the face.

"How dare you Parker!? You should know that I deserved that internship! You probably orphan begged the teacher to come in!"
Flash said while kicking him in every 2 word that he said.

(The italics are Peter's thoughts)

"You are Worthles!"

I know.

"You deserve nothing!"

I know.

"You are A disgrace!"

I know.

"You will never be someone important!"

I know.

"You worthless piece of shit!"

I know.

Then Flash got bored and Left. Left Peter with bleedings and bruises. Peter gave all his power to his Arms and legs to getting up. He thought They were gonna be mad İf he arrive his internship late. So he start walking.

*Le Time Skip Brought You By Your Sorry Author*

Peter's Pov.

I can't believe ım late for my internship with 10 minutes. There is black dots covering my vision. But its fine ım worthles.
There is A man with A goatee he looks Like he was talking to an earpiece.

"Hey kid. You are.... Peter Parker right?"
Goatee man said to me.

Think Peter, think! You can't tell anyone you are late because of limping of A beating that you deserve!

"Uhhh Yes its me sir. I-Im sorry m-my subway w-was delayed."
I prefer myself for A hit. But nothing come? Strange.

"My name is Harold Hogan kid. (I don't remember it) But everyone calls me Happy. And its okay, delayed subway is not A thing that you can controll."
Goa-Mr. Happy said.

"T-Thank you Mr. Happy.
I studder out. Gosh why ı always studder when ı saw an adult?!

"Nothing to thank kid. You got the highest score at the test even there is A university students. So you are gonna work as Big Boss's personal intern.
Mr. Happy said. Wait! Big Boss? Like Nick Fury!?

"B-Big B-Boss?"
I said.

"Yeah. Tony Stark you know, genious—philantrophist—ex-playboy-billionare."
Mr. Happy explained. And whole world start to spin.

I feel ı fell down. And some screams around me.

"Hey Hap!"




And everything goes black.

He heeee cliffhanger. Sorry, not Sorry! I hope ı forgive myself to you guys for not writing in A loOoOoOoOoOong time! C'yall! 👋

Love you all 3000 -

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