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Peter Pov.






What is that noice?

I start to open my eyes. But light was so bright ı immediatly close them.

"Fri. Dim the lights."

The voice was familiar but ı couldn't recognice it. When light was good, ı opened my eyes and ı saw TONY FLOOPYROOMBA STARK İS LOOKİNG AT ME! His eyes have the look of... pity? Or worry? Naah why THE Tony Stark worry about Puny Peter Parker?

"You good kid?"
He asked me. Im still shocked!

"I-Im good. I s-should go n-now."
Studdering! Again!? And ı get up and start to take out the serum.

"Woah woah kid calm down. You just fainted for fucks sake."
Mr. Stark said while pushing me back to med-bay bed.

"I-I don't think. I just h-have to go. I-I've been A burden for y-you."
I said. And Thats A fact.

"Kid. Thats alright. That Place is all Rick and Morty's younger versions. But you, you are not Like them!"
T-Mr. Stark said to me. He said the 3rd sentence Thats the First time that anyone ever said to me!

Worried İron-Dad Pov.

"W-What do you mean Mr. Stark?"
That kid is so ...stressed? Why is he always studdering?

"I mean ı look at your score on test. Your score is higher than most nerd Frankensteins here! Fact, your IQ is higher than Mine! (Just roll with it)"
I said as ı kneel myself to his level and hold his shoulders.

"Uhh I-I Thank you Mr. Stark."
I understand now this kid is going to be my death.

"Now kid! Whatcha say about working with my new nano-tech suit?"
I asked him. His eyes sparkle Like A kid in Christmas night.

"OH MY GOD YES THANK YOU MR.STARK! I-I mean why are you trusting me in your personal lab?"
Finally, this kid is talking to me!

"Lets go then! You look medically Stable but you are literally starving! I hope you Like shwarma?"
Now my eyes sparkle Like A kid on christmas. İt will be good since Brucey has gone missing.

"I actually never tried."
He said while getting up. But he strumble and fell.

"Hold up kid. Geez you got A tight grip!"
I said while he tried to hold himslef on my shoulder.

"T-Thanks Mr. Stark."
He looks Like A street Puppy.

~ Time Skip By some İrondad-Spiderman fluff ~

We arrived at my lab. And with shwarma of course! I haven't eat shwarma since... Well doesn't need to tell who. But ı know in my arc reactor,this kid is diffrent.

"So you must like shwarma A lot kid. You eat 3 of 'em."
He must be really starving. What is happening in his home?

"I-Im Sorry...."
Im starting to concern about this puppy.

"You don't have to be Sorry for eating much. I mean, who doesn't Like shwarma?"
I said while holding Mine up Like A trophy.

"Your'e right Mr. Stark. People who doesn't Like shwarma is probably the most evil being on the whole universe!"
Gosh ı start to Like this kid more! (Shut the fudge up this is %99999 NOT starker 🤢)

"Thats the spirit! Now Lets start to work!"
I said when ı realize We both finished our food.

"Okay. How can ı Help?"
This kid is to pure for this world.

"You can help in ANY way. Use your Head! Go crazy, but not much. Or Pepper will literally kill me for being A bad influence."
I say chuckling. He was laughing. Then ı started laughing, Well more Like barking. Later We both started to laugh Like hyenas for straight 5 minutes. What can ı say, ı think he is A good kid.

Im sooo Sorry for update that keep 5 years to come! Btw Vote for SHİPS on the chapter b4 this one. İF U GUYS DON'T VOTE I WİLL MAKE MY OWN OTP'S ON THERE! Anyway ıhope you Like this chapter! C'yall! ❤️💙~❤️💛

Love you all 3000 -

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