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There was a cool breeze in the early morning in Washington, D.C. The sky was still dim, showing colors of pink and blue as the sun was still hiding.

"On your left." The infamous Captain America said as he zoomed by his colleague.

The sunrise was beginning to break and the air began to get warmer as the pair continued to run. "On your left." Rogers continued to bug the dark-skinned man.

"Uh-huh. On my left. Got it." He snapped in annoyance as he watched the buff man run as fast as a cheetah. It seemed like to him at least.

"Don't say it. Don't you say it."

"On your left." Steve breathed out.

"Come on!" He groaned loudly as he tried to pick up his pace, but it seemed useless when he was already half a mile away.

"Need a medic?" The sun was out already and the people of Washington, D.C. have awoken up. The sweaty man laughed as he sat on the grass with a tree behind him for support.

"I need a new set of lungs. Dude, you just ran, like 13 miles in 30 minutes." He breathed out heavily.

"This is usually a warm-up for me but I guess I got a late start." Rogers said putting him hands on his hips.

"Really? You should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap." He joked and looked away. "Did you just take it? I assume you just took it." He continued when he looked back at Steve Rogers standing in the same spot he was before.

"What unit you with?" Steve smiled.

"58th Pararescue. But now I'm working down at the VA." He replied and reach out his hand to him.

"Sam Wilson." The man introduced himself as he was pulled up by Steve.

"Steve Rogers."

"I kind of put that together." Sam panted. "Must have freaked you out, coming home after the whole defrosting thing."

"It takes some getting used to. It's good to meet you, Sam." The muscular man began to walk away as he remembered he had to meet with Natasha.

"It's your bed, right?" Sam continued even though he already ended the conversation.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Your bed, it's too soft. When I was over there, I'd sleep on the ground, use rocks for pillows, like a caveman. Now I'm home, lying in my bed, and it's like..."

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