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Once the group left Y/N headed the opposite way, don't get him wrong he would love to go straight home and sleep but that would mean he has to walk alongside Akira or go a long route. Y/N opted to wait a bit before heading home, so instead of wasting time, Y/N went to the shops to pick some things up that would make his life less stressful.

Y/N zipped up his jacket so that the school's logo and his job wasn't on display to anyone, he didn't wanna get attacked or get brainwashed by some villains because he worked at U.A.

Y/N walked silently along the street, pulling out his phone to see what was going on with social media, of course, it was just a bunch of random stuff about heroes and villains, nothing was really catching his eye. As he was scrolling through nonsense he accidentally pressed on a post which was of a teen girl and, the third pro hero, Hawks.

The posts' caption saying-

-"When you meet your celebrity crush 😖😳😜😜😜😍😍😏😚😚😏🤭🤩🤩🤯🤯".

To say that the caption had a bit too many emojis was an understatement, and all the hashtags after it was kinda overwhelming. Scanning over the hashtags he noticed that the area he was in was one of the hashtags. Looking down at the post time he also found out that it was posted 5 minutes ago.

'Hmm so he must still be in the area, great now there's gonna be heaps of crowds of people wanting to see him' Y/N thought. He soon let out a dramatic sigh at his misfortune. After having a silent and short sook he turned his phone off and put it into his back pocket.

He turned a corner and spotted his destination, a small food corner store that was so cheap $5 could buy him a feast. The place was pretty old and had a few broken windows that were covered by newspapers. He quickened his paste when he noticed a small crowd not fare off, he wanted to get in and out of the area before the crowds of hawks fans grew and made it impossible to get out.

He entered the store that had an old man behind the cash register, who happened to be the owner of the store. The store had no other customers besides Y/N, which was no surprise since the store was pretty shitty and it looked like it was gonna fall apart.

Y/N walked to the back of the store to where the drinks were, quickly scanning over the drinks looking for the one he truly loved, he grabbed two bottles of f/d. Why he got two you make ask, well he was gonna save one for later of course. The man was a smart thinker when it came to food and drinks.

Y/N was also thinking of dropping by the liquor store but only if he had time and money too.

Y/N made his way back to the front of the store, putting the two drinks on the cashier's bench. 

"Will that be all sir?" The old owner asked Y/n as he smiled sweetly at him.

"Nah throw in some ciggi's as well, thanks." Y/N replied as he was already digging out the right amount of payment for his purchases. Y/N already knew how much to pay because you could say it was his usual at the small shop. Y/N was in fact one of the famous usual customers at the small and quiet shop. 

The first time Y/N asked for cigarettes the owner refused to give Y/N any until the boy brought out his I.D. Though the old man didn't believe him entirely, it was the end of the day and the owner gave up after Y/N refused to leave until he got his 'anti-stress sticks' as he called them.

"That will be the usual price, sir." The owner said while he grabbed a pack of cigarettes behind him and gave them to the man in front of him.

Y/N nodded while handing over the correct amount of money. After the purchase, Y/N said bye and thank you before leaving the shop with all his purchases in a white plastic bag. Making it outside he saw that the crowd was still outside though they looked confused as if looking for someone, though Y/N didn't care as he kept walking along the pathway.

'Hmm, should I smoke a cigarette now, if I do the smell would probably drift away by the time I get home. Oh fuck it, I deserve it for all the shit I went through today because of that explosive brat.'

Y/N turned to one of the alleyways so he could have a quick smoke, he didn't wanna do it in the open since it would be rude to smoke in a crowded place. He leaned against a wall, slowly sliding down till he was crouching against the wall. He placed the plastic bag on the ground and looked inside of it.

He took out the packet of cigarettes from the plastic bag, while his other hand reached into one of his many pockets pulling out a lighter. Oh, the magical power of pockets.

He grabbed one of the cigarettes from the box, then he lighted it with the lighter and finally he put it to his mouth inhaling the chemicals that were slowly killing him. Just the way he liked it.

He exhaled the smoke in a big puff since he inhaled so much, while also pulling out his phone. Using his amazing skills he played his f/g (favourite game) with one hand while holding the cigarette in the other. He didn't know how long he was in the alleyway playing on his phone and smoking the 'anti-stress stick', but he was enjoying the peace until the cigarette was snatched from his hand.

'What the fuck!' Y/n thought as he quickly looked up to see who the fuck thought they could steal his cigarette. His deadly gaze landed on the one and only Pro hero Hawks.

As if the crimes he had committed weren't bad enough, he dropped Y/N's cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. He twisted his foot so that he was smooshing the cigarette into the ground so that it was fully out, then he finally spoke.

"Kids shouldn't be smoking, don't you know it's bad for your lungs"

He had a small grin on his face though his voice was stern like he was scolding a child for doing something bad, which he thought he was doing. He continued to stare lazily at Y/N who was sitting on the ground.

Y/N had known that hawks was in the area but he was hoping he didn't run into him, Y/N had a bit of a grudge against heroes since he had met many rude ones while working at UA. Y/N was also hoping that the crowds kept Hawks away from the alleyways, but it seems Hawks had secretly ran away from the crowds and snuck into the alleyway to have some peace. That was all true and Hawks was planning on having a little sit-down but then he noticed Y/N. He had stopped the kid from smoking because, well he was a kid smoking.

Y/N stood up slowly and said in an annoyed voice

"I'm not a kid "

Y/N said kid with such venom that it would scare anyone, and his cold E/C (eye colour) eyes just stared at Hawk in a dead way. Hawks actually felt a shiver run down his spine, after a minute he finally realized what Y/N had said.



Hey guys......... How ya doin?
I know it's been awhile.... hehehe... Anyways I finally caught up in the anime so ye.....

Also HAPPY LATE CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY LATE NEW YEARS!!!! Finally 2020 is over. Like many other people 2020 was a real shitty year for me so I'm glad it's over.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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