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After Y/N had finished scoping the area he went back to the group of students and their teacher who was explaining how they shouldn't waste their time on petty things like the welcoming ceremony

Y/N stood behind the group of people watching any movement around them, he noticed Bakugou go up to his teacher and step inside a circle that was drawn into the ground

Aizawa explained to Bakugou that he was allowed to use his quirk in any way as long as he doesn't step out of the circle

With that said he gripped the ball and threw it while yelling the words "DIE!!"

Let's just say that everyone was confused by his choice of words

Aizawa pulled out a small device and held it up so that everyone could see how fare Bakugou got, 705.2 m

Everyone shouted at how amazing it was, some students starting saying how cool and fun this was going to be signed they get to use their quirks

Those words were the ones to set their teacher off.

"Fun you say, the person with the lowest points will be redeemed worthless and will be kicked out of UA"

Now everyone was freaking out, a girl with hair that reminded Y/N of a mushroom spoke up

"That's not fair, how could you do that"

That set the teacher to go off into a rant that Y/N couldn't be bothered to listen to


After Bakugou's strange demonstration the class moved onto a different activity

50-metre Dash

The first people to go up was the sonic hybrid and the frog hybrid

While they were stretching and getting ready Pikachu reject walked up to Y/N and tapped him on the shoulder

Y/N turned around and looked at the slightly taller man

"Ya need something?"

Y/N asked Pikachu reject, the taller but younger male struggled to find words for what he was trying to say

"I - um -  just wanted to say - um - I'm sorry that - um - that this morning I accused you of being a villain"

The younger boy fiddled with his fingers and looked down, he only looked up when he heard the other speak

"It's cool, don't really blame you"

Pikachu reject looked happy to hear this

"My name is Denki Kaminari, what's yours?"

Denki said with hope

"It's Y/N L/N"

Denki tried to think of another question to ask so their conversation didn't get awkward.

"So how did you get a job here? Aren't you 13, that's a bit young"

This made Y/N grow a tick mark on his forehead 💢, he even growled a little bit

"I'm not 13 I am 19 thank you very much"

Y/N said those words with venom, Denki started to sweat

"S-sorry dude, d-didn't know y-you were that old"

Denki said holding up his hands in defense

Denki walked away from the pissed off male and over to a small group that consisted of an alien, red cool-aid dude, and a dude with weird elbows

"So did you ask him the question"

Asked the alien


Replied Denki, scratching the back of his head.

"So did he say why he's got a job so young?"

"Yeah, is he in trouble with money or something?"

Asked the red cool-aid dude, Denki let out a sigh before answering

"Actually guys he's older than us, he is 19"

Everyone who was in the group let out a screech of shock




Denki let out another sigh


Sorry this chapter is short, if you have any ideas for the plot please let me know

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