Chapter 5

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First off, my apologies for the reaaaaaallyyyyy late update! 😭😭

Secondly, this is super unedited

I'll get back to it when I have the time. Also, thank you all for your support, it truly means a lot ❤

This a chapter is a whole mess of emotions. It's difficult to convey the storm of Winsley's emotions because right now she's overwhelmed with MANY feelings. Which is why I tried my best to portray everything accurately but of course there will be a lacking somewhere; as this is a first draft (evidently). Still, I hope you enjoy.

: few dialogues.


"...What's wrong with her?"

I heard Alexander's muffled voice through the thin walls of the infirmary as I came to, immediately sitting up.

That was a mistake though, because I was still sore from... when was it...? Yesterday? Day before? A week ago?

Wincing at the pain, I clutched at my side and exhaled, hating the stench of medicinal properties which immediately wafted into my nostrils.

I looked out the window, glaring at the friendly rays of the sun.

It was morning.

     How long had I been asleep?

I looked away, finally scanning my surroundings.

I was relieved to find that there was no one around, and that it was just me in the room. I didn't feel like meeting anyone at that moment; I just wanted the Earth to swallow me whole.

I didn't like the way things were playing out. I didn't like the situation, the circumstances; I didn't like anything.

"...overly stressed," I heard a female voice, and I tuned them out as I began to remove the strange strings attached to my hand.

"...coughing up blood... not critical... acute case of bronchitis..." The female voice continued, and I became annoyed, yanking at the serum string attached to my arm harshly, causing the hanger to fall to the floor.

The murmuring stopped almost immediately, and the door burst open as fast as Andronika's and my anger began bubbling up again, recounting the events that happened before our collapse, the bitterness and jealousy and envy enveloping me as a whole again.

It was almost frightening how negative emotions could consume you whole and make you someone you never wanted to be.

And it was because of him.

My glare immediately pierced through my mate's concerned blue eyes, and he winced, taking a step back.

"Get out. I don't want to fúcking see your face," I bit out, attempting and struggling to climb off of the bed.

"Miss, you're supposed to stay on—" came a female voice, but I had no time to react because I felt sparks, and then I was placed back onto the bed again.

I sat up quickly, giving Alexander a glare full of hatred, to which he responded with meek care and attentive eyes.

I hated it.

Hated the way I was being corrupted by the butterflies in my stomach. Stupid mate bond. It was getting stronger already and there was nothing I could do about it.

But he— couldn't he feel it?

What was he going to do?

I didn't want to fight a losing battle.

But if he succumbed...

I peered into his eyes, loving the helplessness he channeled, loving the way his eyes swarmed with love and affection which I craved; something he seemed to want to give to me.

But he couldn't. And it was because of his bítch of a wife.

I didn't want to be a homewrecker. But I wanted what was mine. I wanted what was rightfully and lawfully mine.

I wanted him. I wanted the Luna position. I wanted everything that lawfully belonged to me.

But was I willing to destroy relationships for it? Tarnish someone's reputation? Cause destruction on my way to claim my boon?

I felt horrible. I felt torn.

But as I stared at him, as I reached one arm out to touch him, as he unconsciously leaned into my touch; as he made me feel needed, wanted; everything I wanted to feel; I knew what I had to do. As he wrapped his arms around my weak body, and meekly pressed a kiss to my forehead; as he lost control and embraced me; I felt the pull of what I had to do.

And I knew it would make me a bad person in the eyes of many. But I was selfish.

I craved my fate. My destiny. And he was my destiny.

And I realized I didn't care.

I didn't care if I became a villain.

Not if it gave me what I needed.

It was Alexander's fault; his wife's fault for stepping into this relationship without thinking about the consequences of their actions. Now I was here, and I was going to be a storm in their lives.

I was going to ruin them.

But I was going to build an us.

I wasn't going to crumble and let him do what he pleases with me. I wasn't going to let myself be a doormat.

This was only the beginning.

I looked up, caressing his face slowly. It was only for a few moments that this affectionate whisper lasted, but it was enough for me to make up my mind.

As he cleared his throat uncomfortably and stepped away, tugging at his chemise collar, exclaiming, "this isn't going to happen again," I had already made up my mind.

I gave him a big smile.

"I'm not going to try anything. But you'll have to let me stay here."

Lie. All lies.

But he didn't have to know.

He should have understood that the moment he brought me here, he'd be meeting his own destruction.

His perfect life was a ticking time bomb, slowly spiralling down into chaos.

His world was going to explode, and I would make sure of it.

Because what's mine, is mine.

And I'll be damned if I let anything or anyone get in my way.

Mated to A Married Man (18+)Where stories live. Discover now