Chapter 8

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but i re read the chapters and now i got it under control (i think) 🙏

Sorry for the extremely long wait guys!! Ik you guys have been waiting a long time, my bad 😭😭

But it's finally here!! 🥰

Hope u guys r doing well xoxo ❤️



"...I won't be able to introduce you to every part of the pack since, as you might already know, the area is extremely large," Alexander's smooth baritone voice wafted into my ears, yet what he said made me angry as fúck.

I was his mate, yet he couldn't bear the time to introduce me to his own pack?

How low can you go, you bìtch of a mate?

I suppose my rageful animosity was transparent over my features as we walked towards a set of houses, because Alexander quickly looked at me and put his hands on my shoulder.

To my displeasure, Andronika was calmed by his touch. This stupid mate bond.

"Alright then, who the fúck will be showing me around then? I don't suppose it's Eve right?" I glared at him, wishing I could take a knife and stab him. He winced at my snarky question, but made no move to tame me.

At least he understood his fault. I hoped the guilt was weighing him down like an Atlantic Ocean. His eyes clouded for a few seconds before he shot me a pensive look.

"I've mindlinked my Beta and Gamma. They'll alternate taking turns showing you around. Calum and Köfa." A devious idea ran through my head but I shut it down— for now.

"Alright, when can I meet them?" I licked my lips, looking up at him expectantly. He inhaled sharply at my gesture, which I didn't realize until too late looked pretty suggestive.

"Right about..." He paused, narrowing his eyes, "now."

Out from the bushes in front of us emerged two rather large and powerful wolves; one dark brown with grey hues and the other grey with black hues. Two sets of piercing eyes, one green and the other blue, peered up at me.

I felt goosebumps all over my skin, their power overwhelming me. I looked at Alexander, a bit alarmed.

"Shift." He spoke.

They both shifted, and within the white fog I could hear the sounds of clothes tousling. After what seemed like a few seconds, two incredibly strong and healthy men appeared before us.

I blushed, but tried my best to hide it.

I couldn't though, not from the stares of both of them. Alexander didn't spare me a glance, he was already walking off to God-knows-where.

"Take good care of her." Was the last thing he said.

Oh God, how I hated him.

"Don't mind the Alpha, he has a lot of things to do..." Calum began, trailing off when I shot him a very heated, sarcastic look. His green eyes were very pretty, I remarked, encased by brown eyelashes.

"Don't worry though, he'll get around to it. I suppose right now he just needs to think," Köfa chimed in thoughtfully, and I stared into his hazel eyes in silence.

"I don't suppose you can tell me why he impregnated that bìtch?" I sensed I struck a nerve, because they both inhaped sharply.

"Do not disrespect our Luna like that." It was a warning filled with vice, uttered by Calum. His eyes had turned black.

I looked at him in disbelief.

"I was supposed to be your Luna. I am his mate. So shut the fúck up with that bullshìt." I bit out, and they both winced. Calum especially looked like he was torn, I felt the guilt wafting off of him like it was his second skin.

Köfa cleared his throat.

"I suppose I'll be the one to start showing you around for the moment," he announced, looking at Calum's conflicted face pointedly.

Calum turned around and stiffly started walking towards wherever he was going. "Was nice meeting you, Winsley."

"Wish I could say the same," I bit out with hate, and he actively winced again. I could tell his wolf was torn. I could tell I'd struck a sensitive point, by the way Andronika whimpered for the guy.

After all, it wasn't even the Beta's fault.

I bit my lip upon the realization.

Oh well, I'll patch it up with him another time.

"You know he didn't do anything right?" Köfa spoke up gently, and I looked up at him, blinking slowly.

"Yeah, I didn't mean to be so rough. But you gotta cut me some slack, it's not everyday you wake up and see your mate married to a bìtch." I chimed in, anger evident in my tone.

Köfa opened his mouth, hesitated, then sighed in defeat. "You're right, I wouldn't know how it feels but even me and my wolf feels uneasy at the thought of it."

I liked this guy. He was compassionate, charming.

Everything the Alpha wasn't.

For the first time in a long time, I cracked my first smile.

His eyes widened and his mouth was agape. I reached up and closed his jaw.

"Then I suppose you'll be introducing me to the pack areas now?"

Köfa shook his head and then cracked a small smile, "you're strong."

I shot him a look, tilting my head quizzically, "I have to be."

"Well, let's start with the area where the elderly live, since it's the closest here," Köfa averted his eyes, changing the subject.

"Alright, will I be meeting them too or am I just supposed to gaze at them far off?"

"I suppose it'll be alright for you to meet them, I don't think you'll do anyone harm with those skinny arms of yours."

I smiled, if only you knew.

"Alright, I can't wait to say hi."

We began walking towards a set of houses, all aligned very well. Each house screamed sophistication; I realized this pack was no joke, not at all.

"Wow, everyone's pretty wealthy."

"Well, judging that our Alpha's the CEO of a multibillion company, I guess that's a given."

I dared not let the surprise I was feeling show on my face, though Köfa seemed to be looking at me intently, waiting for a reaction.

"Oh, that's cool, 'cept for the fact that he married a bìtch who wasn't his mate. Think that takes away from it." I said in monotone, to which he chuckled and averted his gaze.

I liked how he wasn't offended.

At least I knew there was someone who actually understood me, in this foreign ground where I knew none.

In this place where I was truly, all alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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