Just a Mundane Day?

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Your P.O.V.

I got up before everyone to cook some breakfast. I went to the kitchen to see that the rice finished soaking for the night. I learned the porridge recipe from a friend I made during my travels. Or at least a friend of a friend. His name was Mushu (Yes, I love Mulan, but not the live-action version. Sadly. Also, I put Mulan timeline in the same timeline as this to switch things up; I hope you all like it.) Sadly, I had to return to France to take care of my father. He was a bit of a hardass; He focused way too much on his studies, inventions, and art, but I still loved him, and couldn't leave him alone with Belle. I picked up a grain of rice; Not too soft or hard. I nodded to myself as I drained the rice and made the porridge along with some bacon and a few eggs. As I predicted, Belle was the first to come to the kitchen to eat. I said nothing because Belle was in that mood again, and it annoyed me. I turned to face her "Come on Belle. If you want over one slice of bacon today, I suggest you fix that face of yours and grow up."

Belle scoffed "It's not like it'll fix my problems in this dreadful village." I rolled my eyes as I repeated what I said to her for the millionth time "Well toughen up. You're older than me, Belle, and you live in this fun little place called reality..." I snarled "So if you detest this 'provincial life' it is up to you to change it. Dad is not holding you back or anything. If you want adventure, go out there and have it. Not just sit there with your nose stuck in a book." Belle huffed and sat in her chair as I smiled at my little success. Knowing that because it always seemed to shut her up. I softened my gaze "Look Belle, I love you, and I only want the best for you. But this HAS to stop." I served the porridge with some milk, butter, and sugar, then made the eggs and bacon into a smiley face. I served it to Belle.

"Says the sister who makes breakfast looks so childish..." She mumbled. I rolled my eyes once more "Well, it's called brightening up and having a little fun. I read no book saying it had to be formal and oh so serious." This time Belle really couldn't think of a snarky little comeback, and I say she needs to work on that because everyone in this village is an asshole. Except for the nice guy with the little library in his church. I wasn't hungry at the moment, so I put some breakfast out for dad and put the rest away for later. Before I walked away Belle spoke once more "Y/n, if you're tired of this village, then why did you come back?" I looked at her, mouth slightly agape.

'She doesn't know?' I thought before I turned back "You two are the only ones I have. You think I wouldn't in a way miss you guys?" I shook my head "Then you need to take the time to realize what you have and learn to cherish it before it's too late." With that, I walked out and got ready for the day and went out of the village, but not too far.

Belle's P.O.V.

I swear I hate Y/n. She thinks she's the wisest every time. Does she love me? Then why does she act like this? I ate my breakfast and went for a walk to cool down. I sigh as I felt the summer breeze against my skin; I breathe out and sang as a sweet melody carried through the wind:

Little town, it's a quiet village.

Every day like the one before. Little town, full of little people. Waking up to say.

*Right on cue, everyone opens their window*

Bonjour, bonjour. Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour.
There goes the baker with his tray, like always.
The same old bread and rolls to sell.
Every morning just the same, since the morning that we came.
To this poor provincial life...

"Good morning, Belle," Jean spoke. I turned and smiled "Good morning Monsieur Jean. Have you lost something again?" He nods "I believe I have. The problem is, I can't remember what..." He scratches the back of his head. "Well, I'm sure it will come to me."

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