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Liana Keenen, Near the Town of Eli, Emerald Isle

Liana puttered around the kitchen brewing a mug of elderberry tea. She took the cast iron kettle off of the rack and out of the fireplace, setting it on the smooth cutting stone which rested on the table. Liana bolted awake last night, listening to Damlin's, fearful, bloody dreams terrorizing him from a fitful slumber. She had peaked in on him. He lay in bed tangled in the thick linen blankets, sweating, moaning. 

Liana shook herself from the memories of last night, and poured a cup of tea into a thick earthenware mug. The elderberry smoothed her emotions, smelling of earth and fruit. 

Liana knock at the door. She heard Damlin set his shield down. The door opened, Damlin's haggard face stared back at her. His hair splayed in various directions, half tangled.  

"Hey." Liana held a steaming earthenware mug. "I brought you elderberry tea."


She handed him the mug.

Damlin took a slow sip, savoring the heat and fruity bitter tang.

"Ma swore by it. Figured it might help you." Liana said, fidgeting with her mug. 

Damlin took another sip. "It's good, thank you."

"Is it true?" Liana looked at him, her eyes tense.

"Yes." Damlin hung his head and slumped his shoulders.

Liana balled her hands into fists. Anger danced through her veins. 

"I must go to the Merchant's Council of Eli and inform them." Damlin took another sip. 

"I'm coming with you." Liana realized she's spoken after she said it.

Shock ran through Damlin's face. "What? Why! This isn't..."

Anger burst into fury, Liana crossed the room and grabbed him by his tunic, yelling in his face. "Isn't what! Isn't safe!? I'm not helpless and I don't need your protection!"

"You don't know..." Damlin gestured, words failing him.

"Don't know what!" Liana bellowed, towering over him.

"They killed the entire Order of the Battlemages in a single hour." Damlin sagged, defeated. "We had protected the Myrid Isles for seventy years, and it all fell in one hour. Think about it..."

 A heated blue-gray stain spread across his tunic, dripping down the fabric. Why didn't I notice that stain. I should have noticed that stain! Liana released her grip, and wiped down his tunic. It reminded her of those bloody stains in the creek. "Sorry, I spilled your tea."

 Damlin reached out, stopping her. "It's alright. I must be going soon. Thank you for all that you've done for me, a stranger."

Liana snorted, laughing. "Can't let a stranger fall from a golden light into my pigsty, and not take notice." 

"Well, I shall procure a few necessities and we shall begin our journey." Damlin said, smiling slightly, rummaging through his bag.

Liana scooped up Dunfiddly, her tom cat, and packed her gear. They left within the hour and stopped by the MacCormacks, Liana's next door neigbors. She asked them to take care of her farmstead and left Dunfiddly preening himself in a company of a fine lady cat, Ambradosia. Liana would be gone for a while. 

Liana looked at this boy she had decided to follow, trying to sort out all the feelings inside as they walked along the muddy path through the forest on their way to Eli. Damlin carried the round obsidian shield, and sheathed sword which hung from his belt. The forest canopy waved above them, scattering light through leaves and painting the forest floor in dancing greens. 

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