🌑Broom Closet Help🌑

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So you're stuck in the broom closet and practicing is a little hard. Welp that's what i'm here for!

   Let's start off with some super easy things that most people wouldn't question.

First up we've got cleansing. There are many different types and to do this and it's pretty important to do, as it clears any unwanted and negative energy.

• Smoke- Chances are, if you've looked into cleansing methods you've seen this before. If not, smoke cleansing is using smoke to cleanse the negative or unwanted energy from the space of which you are cleansing. Typically Incense or herb bundles are used for this.
*NOTE: this is different from smudging as that is a closed practice, so is the use of white sage. Also remember to look into what you are burning if you have pets, because depending on what you use it can be harmful to pets.

• Sound- This is a personal favorite as it is super easy! Sound cleansing is using any form of noise to cleanse. Whether it be a song, rain, humming, or even screaming to cleanse your space. It is super easy and no one would really question it!

• Sun/Moon- Now you've probably heard of using the sun/moon to charge objects, but you can also use them to cleanse them. It would work pretty much the same, except your intention would be to cleanse, not charge.

• Candles- You can also light candles as a cleansing method. You can correspond colors, scents, and carve sigils into them!

• Visualization- Now maybe you can't have anything that involves fire, and you need to be quiet, well another method is to visualize white light covering your space to cleanse it!

• Movement- Doing things like dancing, yoga, or just walking can be done to cleanse yourself. It's super easy and can be done pretty quickly.

• Showers/Baths- These can also be done to cleanse yourself. Just imagine the water cleansing you of any unwanted energy.

• Water- You can put objects in water, run them through it, or even spray some to cleanse.

• Earth- You can bury objects, cover them in salt, or place them on a plant as a way to cleanse them.

• Fire- If the object is not flammable, you can run it over a candle flame quickly as a way to cleanse it.

Circle Casting

    This one is very easy to do in the broom closet. This is also the method that I use.
    Stand facing North, and stick out your right arm. Then spin clockwise and imagine white light incasing you as you do.  Then to close it stick out your left arm and spin counter clockwise imaging the light returning to you, and back into the earth.

    Now say that you have to leave because your being called to do something, forgot a material, etc. Imagine yourself cutting a door that's like curtains into the light, and when you exit them they close. Now you can go do whatever it is that you needed to do.

    When your ready to re-enter your circle, simply imagine that you are reopening the curtains, and that they close behind you. Now you can resume whatever it was you were doing.


    Divination in the broom closet really depends on what you can/ cannot do. So maybe you can read tarot, or maybe not. While tarot is largely used in witchcraft, there's many other divination methods.

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