Meeting him

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He stared at me. Didn't move, he was like stone. His whole body went rigid at the sight of me. Authority came rolling off of him in waves. My wolf was screaming mate in my head. The tension was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. Then he moved. He walked away from me and went behind a tree. He came back with a pair of shorts on. He was 6'7 easily towering over me. He's black hair was messy and his blue/grey eyes were shining with an unknown emotion. "Change" he commanded my wolf bowing her head in respect. I scurried behind a tree and put on some clothes quickly. I peeked from behind the tree to see him staring at me with his cold hard eyes.
I'm near the edge of my territory about to cross into another packs territory. My wolf stopped. I began to ask him what was wrong when he started screaming "mate!" I turned to see a beautiful small white wolf staring at me with fear showing clearly in her eyes. I went behind a tree and quickly changed hoping she would be there when I returned. She was, relief flooded me. Then I realized she was still in wolf form. "Change" authority dripping from my voice. She bowed her head and scurried behind a tree. Soon she was poking her head around the tree. Her blonde hair was shining and her eyes had a mischievous and innocent gleam to them. Im in love, but I wasn't going to last she is going to hate me.

He continued to stare at me. I continued to stare at him. God, he was beautiful. Suddenly I saw a look of guilt and anger flash across he's gorgeous features, my wolf instantly wanted to go to his side and comfort him.
"Go ahead and do it" he stated in a pain filled voice.
"Do what?" I asked confused.
"Reject me" he said in a whisper.
"What? Why?" I asked my voice dripping with pain.
"I'll make it easier for you. I Luke alpha of the blood pack reject you..."
He didn't know my name! He can't reject me without my name and pack!
"Reject me " my wolf was howling at me to stop
"What? Why?" Her innocent features filling with pain.
"I'll make it easier for you, I Luke, alpha of the blood pack reject you...."
I didn't know her name. I didn't know anything about her. Her features flossed with relief as soon as she realized I couldn't reject her.
"What is your name?" I growled out. She instantly shrunk underneath my harsh glare.
"No!" She squeaked, "I'm not telling you my name unless you promise to not reject me!"
"What!!" I screamed anger seeping through me.
She instantly stepped back. Fear flooding her features. I took a step towards her my vision red. This little mate Is going to be punished.

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