Wonha-A fine day to get heartbroken

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Sowon Pov

I rush to the classroom while looking at my watch with my panic face.I pray for my sake and literally dash with my long legs.Lucky that my legs are long......

I open the classroom door and all stare at me while the teacher already sending the dagger through his eyes....

"KIM SOWON WHY ARE YOU LATE?!" The teacher roar while i stare at the floor

"I'm sorry teacher.....i woke up late..." I say afraid

"Keep giving excuses,you are always late every single day!Go to the field and run until my class finished" the teacher demanded

I nod and slowly bring my feets to walk to the field.Another day,another bad day at school.....

I jog around the field cause Mr Joon class are still long plus I'm not a good runner.From afar i saw another class which i immediately knew which class its it when i saw a person that i personally know....

She saw me and wave with her cute smile while i wave my hands too.I continue to finish one more laps before approaching her....

"Sowon unnie!what are you doing here??" She ask while looking up cause she shorter than me

"Another punishment from Mr Joon" i calmly said and drink the water that i brought

"Aigoo is it because you're helping the granny again??" She ask while we both sitting down at the bench

I nod while smiling.I didn't woke up late for school cause i usually wake up even before the school opened,it just that I needed to help a granny selling her flowers that she planted herself.

Suddenly i feel someone lightly wipe my sweats on my face with a tissue and i see how close my face with eunha is.I blush without me knowing while she just continue doing god know what she's doing....

"Done!i need to get back to my class.I see you during recess alright? fighting sowon unnie!!" She yell the last part since she already running back to her class

I blink a few times and the flashback of the moments just now came back... I blush madly and fan myself to lessen the sudden heat on my face.

I decided to scroll through my phone and realized in horror that tomorrow is eunha birthday!

I've thought to go out with her to celebrate her birthday and i would probably gave back her diary that I've kept for a few weeks now.


I am currently working as a casher and also server here at this cafe just near my house.As i was cleaning the table,a girl entered which i greet but I didn't look at her.

"What would you like to order-mis-miss??"i stuttered when i saw her face

Her big round eyes,her short hair that the hairstyles totally meant for her,her plump lips and her not so pointy nose amaze me.She only got one disadvantages which is her height,i mean if we both standing beside each other i won't be shock if people thought that she's my younger sister.

"I would like some ice americano with whipped cream please" she cutely said while smiling

"That would be **** " i said while clicking on the cash machine

"Here you go.Keep the change~" she said

"Here's your receipt.I'll be back with your drink" i said smiling and walk to the kitchen to prepare her drink

While preparing for her drink,i saw how she pout her mouth once in awhile while slightly turn her head to the side.

'cute' i praise while chuckling

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