Sinrin-End Of Us(1/2)

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(Yerin Pov)

I hug her from behind but she doesn't respond even a bit.She stood there looking away not even sparing a glance at me.

I just smile bitterly and slowly let go of the hug.Guess she is not in the mood...

I walk away to get ready for work and left her alone in our room.After I done showering,I went downstairs and saw her preparing my breakfast

"Sweet" I mutter while smiling

I approach her slowly from behind and sit down on the dining table chairs.I watch how she look really serious while cooking for me that it made me smile sweetly.

She give me the breakfast before walking away again not sparing even a bit glance for me.My eyes follow her disappearance behind those door before deciding to look away.I look at my food losing the appetite to eat but still eating it cause she is the one that cook it.

We are never like this before....we both are very happy.I can't blame her cause it's my fault from the start.I should be grateful that she willing to stay with me for the scar that I've caused.


"Aigoo scared me!" Sinb hit yerin's hand that wrapped around her waist softly.They both chuckle happily while enjoying their morning.

"Sorry love,I didn't mean to scare you" Yerin said sweetly while still hugging Sinb from behind and sometimes kiss her shoulder.

Sinb turn around and wrapped her hands around yerin neck before smiling at her.She look at her lips,her nose before looking at her eyes again.She admire that those is only for hers not for someone else.

"Can you come back home early today??"sinb cutely ask

"I'm sorry baby but i can't,i still have a lot of work at my workplace" yerin sadly announced

Sinb pout and look at yerin with her puppy eyes pleading her while yerin could sigh before smiling at her.

"I'll try then"


That night sinb decided to surprise yerin with bringing her dinner since she know that her girlfriend won't eat when she's working hard.

She happily cook dinner for her before packing it nicely with a note say "Have a lot of energy for today!"

She then took her car and drive to yerin's workplace.As she arrive,she bring yerin's dinner and walk into the building.The building is already silent and only a few people are there since it's already late at night.

Sinb use the elevator to go to her girlfriend office.She smile as she walk towards her girlfriend office before her smile slowly turn into shockness

There she saw her girlfriend having sex with her secretary.Her secretary that sometimes went to their house.Sinb doubt this whole time was right.

Sinb slowly turn around before deciding to run not looking back as yerin already yelling her name.She keep on running and went inside her car before speeding up somewhere.

But little did sinb notice a truck was also speeding up from across the road that hit her causing it to turned around on the road.Sinb head hit hard at the car glass window causing her to bleed a lot.She pass out afterwards and she can only remember hearing sirens and yerin yelling her name.

Sinb was run to the hospital emergency room.Yerin cry hard while watching her outside the door.She keep on blaming herself for what happened to sinb.

She called Sowon sinb's older sister to inform her what happened to sinb.Sowon quickly arrive and saw Yerin,sowon hug yerin trying to calm her down.

The operation when by too long than expected.Its already 4 am in the morning when the doctor came outside.Yerin quickly stand up to ask the doctor about sinb conditions.

The doctor could only look at yerin sadly "She is in coma and she might be blind.We have try our best and we can just pray for her conditions"

Yerin close her mouth with her hands trying to control her sob.She inform sowon about it which also get the same reaction as her.

Time when by so fast that it's already 4 month sinb in coma.Yerin also visit and treat her every single day and sometimes sowon also with her.

"Sinb baby wake up please....i miss you so much... I'm so sorry" Yerin sob the same sentences every night

On the 5 months, finally Sinb open her eyes but she can't see anything.She panic but the doctor quickly inform her about her condition

"You are a rare and lucky one.You are gonna be blind for only 3 months and afterwards you gonna be just like before"

Flashback End

Since that day,i always took care of sinb no matter how she doesn't want me to get near her.For 3 months,i show her how sincerely i regretted that I've cheated on her before.

Now she can see again but she no longer see me as how she used to see me.Her eyes was full of bitterness and her words cut deep everytime i tried to have a small conversation with her.

We can't no longer be like before and I can't blame her for that.We have been married for 3 years and betrayal was one of the things that really can ruin someone married life.

I was once a dump husband for her but hopefully soon she can see how much she actually meant to me.I will wait for her to open up her heart again and until then i will be patience.

4:45 p.m.

I finally arrive home after i finish up my work and i feel weird that my house feel so empty and silent and yet there's no sinb presence.

I quickly look for her afraid that my suspicion might be right.I run to our share bedroom and quickly open up our wardrobe but it's only left with my clothes.There's no track of her clothes at all.....

Then i turn around to see any signs that might help me and i see a piece of paper beside our table lamp and i pick it up and read it.

To yennie:
If you are reading,you can already know that I'm not there and have left.I'm doing okay here so you don't need to look for me anymore.Your betrayal really impact me a lot,the girl that you slept with is pregnant with your baby.Congratulation i guess??that is what you always want for us to have but I can't give you that and I'm sorry.Don't think about me anymore and focus on your new family.Our divorce certificate will be given to you by tomorrow,you just left to sign it and we officially over.Thank you for the 11 years of us being together and 3 years and the half of our married life.

I know you tried to fix us but I can't yennie, I'm not mentally and emotionally there for you anymore.I know you doesn't like to talk about yourself that much but yennie, you could've told me that you were thinking of someone else so that i can slowly let you go from the start.You could say you miss all that we had but right now?i don't really care how much it hurt because why? simply,You broke me first yennie and this is the end of us.I love you and you will always have a special place in my heart.

-Hwang Eunbi


Song-You broke me first(the one that i use to write those letters)Do listen to this song cause it's really a good and a sad song to listen while you are sleeping or heartbroken.

So yeah this has been dusty in my drafts so might as well upload it since i hit 1K readings!!(~ ̄³ ̄)~Thank you for all the readernim that have been supporting this weird book.Pardon for my English since it's not my first language here.

This is the part 1 and the part 2 will be slightly different from part 1.Just wait for it〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

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