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IT WAS THE FIRST DAY OF CLASSES, AND ELLINGTON WOKE UP FEELING A WAVE OF NAUSEA WASH OVER HER. The night prior, she let her emotions get the best of her, which led to her embarrassing herself in front of Potter and his goons. She knew they would use that as more fuel to taunt her. Her first class of the day would be Transfiguration with the Gryffindors, meaning she would have to face that annoying twat a lot sooner than she wanted to. She spent her time getting ready for the day, mentally preparing herself for not only class but James Potter himself. Her movements were sporadic as she constantly tripped over her own feet as she gathered her supplies for the day of lessons ─ including her ink and quill, some parchment, A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration, and her wand.

Transfiguration was not on the top of her list of favorite subjects. Still, she did enjoy the challenge it always brought her, and it consumed her with more satisfaction when she was able to properly transfigure something or answer a question since it was known as one of the most complex parts of magic to master. It also just happened to be the class James Potter excelled at.

"Have either of you seen my Transfiguration textbook? I've looked bloody everywhere!" Edith questioned urgently since it was almost time for them to head down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Edith Clearwater was vastly intelligent but overly unorganized. It wasn't a surprise that she misplaced one of her textbooks the first day of lessons after having already been unable to find her nightgown the night prior. She even had to borrow one of Eleanor's and went to the Owlery to send her parents a letter that she had managed to lose them on her first day away.

"Did you check under your spare robes?" Eleanor wondered, knowing that she could sometimes be too lazy to check things.

"Of course I did ─ oh, never mind." Edith dismissed with a wave of her hand, her face turning a slight shade of pink as she grasped the textbook in her hands. It was buried under her spare robes, making Eleanor send her a sly smirk, which earned her an eye roll.

After the three of them finally got themselves ready for the day, they headed out of the common room. Edith and Eleanor immersed themselves in a passionate chat about Quidditch and how they were prepared to kick off the new season. They were both chasers on the Ravenclaw team ─ and Ellington would never be able to understand why they adored the sport so much. It was just people on brooms throwing around various balls and hitting said balls with clubs at one another. But maybe she hated Quidditch because James Potter was on the Gryffindor House team, and she despised everything he enjoyed.

The Great Hall was annoyingly loud for it to be so early in the morning, and Ellington was curious about how people had this much energy at the crack of dawn after just having woken up. She dragged her feet over to the Ravenclaw table, sitting alongside Edith, Eleanor, and a few other peers from her House. She added a variety of fruit onto her plate since it was the only thing she could stomach in the morning, followed by a large glass of cold water.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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