\ \ Chapter 1 / /

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Hello welcome! As we're about to get started


I would like to thank you all for coming by and checking out this brand new Fangle book

QwQ Hope you follow through and enjoy as I continue further into this book

That's all and now let's get on to it!


"So as you see--------." A Middle Aged man in his formal wear talked to this big Spy Agent meeting gathering for all. Mangle sat in the middle role being truly interested and engaged

That's what she wanted to be ever since she was a little girl, who enjoyed playing with dolls and dress up but also act as a hero instead of the knight, she didn't like the idea of the knight doing the job.

It was then, when she grew she loved the idea of solving crimes and being a spy agent, which is what caught her eyes.

Her Mother and Father didn't actually think, she would make it but she did. They showed them wrong and proved herself that she can be a spy. That angelic soften face can't fool anyone.

"And we're done for today, any questions before I end this meeting?" The agent boss says looking around the room. Mangle is the first one to raise her hand.

"Is there any thing to spy on yet? Open for me?" Mangle asked wanting to finally do something that she has dreamed of doing, going undercover all by herself. "Not yet, but if we get informed I'll see Mangle Vixen." He responded politely, he asked one more time

Before he told them, they were finally able to leave. Mangle walks off seeing one of her only friends walk next to her, her name "Toy Chica."

"You sounded excited asking, why is it that you want to do something by yourself, I don't quite understand." T.C giggled lightly. "I just want to proof something to myself and everyone..you know, that I can achieve something by myself, don't you also have goals?" Mangle asked as they both went into the elevator

"Mmh, I don't think so..I hope you get your chance but, you know it won't be that easy not everything in life, is easy just hope you know there can be risk factors." Toy Chica said in harmful tone of voice, mangle nodded not neglecting her

Since she's absolutely right, there is risk factors. "Haha but, that won't stop me." Mangle chuckled before stepping out with Toy chica to the outside.

Toy Chica's phone began to ring loudly. She answers it and talks for a bit before she gave Mangle an apologetic expression. "Forgive me on this one..but I must go with Toy bonnie, I forgot we're going to hang out today." Toy Chica says as her hand is placed on Mangle's shoulder

"It's alright, I have things to do either way..see you then." Mangle smiles before waving to her, they both go different ways. While on the drive to Mangle's house, she felt hungry her stomach couldn't stop grumbling.

Her eyes look around for a nearby bite. Her eyes spot a decent looking Cafe, she's only been here once. She decides to go over there to not waste anymore time.

She walks in getting little stares, she knew of course why. She is wearing high heels and a formal wear that wealthy woman tend to wear.

She wasn't a millionaire or billionaire but, just someone who has a lot of money since a spy agent tends to get payed loads of money.

"What a fine...woman, with a fine waist and defined figure, and all." A man around his 40's said to Mangle, Mangle felt disgusted and turns over to the man. "Aren't you embarrassed? what if your wife or kids were to hear the way, you're talking to me have some respect saggy gentlmen." Mangle chuckled slightly

"I don't have a wife or kids, I've been single..but hey you can be mine." He says in such a disgusting way trying to make his shot by also wanting to touch Mangle by her behind. Mangle reacted fast and with her high heel, she steps on this guy's shoe causing him pain.

"Yes!  No hun, sorry but you're far too old for me, nice try though...I can see why you are single, no need to even explain." Mangle says grinning before stepping back and walks off to the line, which has about four people waiting.

'These type of men don't have respect, a woman like me doesn't need no man, I can make it through' She thought before scanning around politely in her surroundings

Seeing people enjoying their served up food, chatting and laughing. It brought a smile to Mangle's face knowing there can be positive people in this world. As she is looking around, a tall crimson man who seems to be walking over to his table but stops for a bit.

He speaks loudly in his phone causing Mangle to look over. This man beholded so much charm in him, everything about him is perfect.

God's Work

Defined jaw and face, and such a figured figure standing tall with his crimson locks of hair. Her eyes widen feeling herself getting hypnotized by this stranger. This stranger hasn't yet noticed her until, his eyes looked at hers.


"His eyes..So hypnotizing."

     "His charm."

Her words spoke in her head, her eyes were glued to his along with his own. Some seconds go back until, something breaks the eye bond she guess it was the person he's talking to on the phone since, straight away he walked off with his phone in his ear.

She realized and shooked her head thinking how silly and impolite it was to make this long eye contact with someone she doesn't even know.

"Next person up please!."

From there Mangle walked forward, trying to figure out why this Guy seemed to have grabbed her attention, she didn't know for sure

But it's something about him, that makes her curious and thirsty to know who he is


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