\ \ Chapter 4 / /

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(3 months later)

'I can't get her image out of my head, she's surrounding me with her beauty pushing away my other thoughts..what am I doing..I should be focused on doing my things as a mafia boss but this particular Young Lady doesn't leave my mind'

I can't forget that day when she vanished on me, I really wanted to catch up to her..something in me didn't want her to leave..Her attracting aroma didn't help at all, I can almost smell her here

The Rich scent of Cherry and Roses, a feminine very lady like smell.

I don't know if I'll ever see her again, I just want to get to know her more that's all, I feel that she can be something part of my life

Someone I've been searching for and yearning for all this time, she possesses this energy that gives me a good vibe, no lying there at all

She doesn't seem like a lady who wants to make life a misery, she feels like a fun and easy taking person..I know where I'm starting to go with this...


"So Far, you know all about him so far, that's a good start to get closer to him, betrayal at it's finest." The Chief says to Mangle who is zoned out thinking about those memorizing Striking Golden Yellow eyes, that are not quite easy to forget at all.

"I do and very much, I'm planning to drop by again and get much deeper." Mangle says as she took a step forward, eagerness in her eyes. The Chief saw it, observing her eyes for a bit and body language.

Trusting her completely

"I believe you Mangle Vixen and that's why I trusted you on this mission, not an easy mission since it's danger between death alright..but I'm sure you'll be fine, I'll be waiting as you know you must keep an eye out for any money that's being transferred illegally." He explains getting again to the point why they're keeping an eye on him and why they need to gain information from his inside life

Which is just to get more accurate information. "Thank you for believing me in sir, I'm grateful for this opportunity that I was given to do, I will and will succeed." Mangle says feeling pride in her heart, the chief nodded before he had to make Mangle leave.


Mangle parks her car and gets out the car walking towards a Club, music is heard along with small chaos going on since two drunken guys in their 30's are getting down. Mangle ignored it all, just focusing on her mission.

She walks into a locker room inside of this club, it wasn't just a normal club

But also a strip Club. Mangle had to get a spot and she was accepted just for today. She wore a black matching like bodysuit that reveals somewhat of her chest pairing it with some black high heels.

She applied some wine red dark lipstick, as she did she got envious stares from girls who worked regularly there..they looked at her up and down, mangle simply turned around and smiled with a small wave.

"I feel so welcomed even more that you girls look so kind." Mangle chuckled as she untied her low bun, her hair got fluffed up slightly making it look wavy. "Perfecto." Mangle grinned trying a seductive expression which totally worked out.

After that, she headed out the door to see lights going on as the announcer is saying something. Mangle swayed her hips feeling as if she owns it, 'Wow..this is not a bad job at all'

She giggled to herself, too distracted in her mind she stumbled for a bit but catched herself in time. 'Woah..that was really unexpected, still clumsily old me..oh well'

As she lifted her head up slowly, she meets eye to eye with Foxy who is sitting on a chair enjoying himself some wine seeming all unbothered by his surroundings.

Mangle's hand immediately went to her mouth, she felt her cheeks blushed up and butterflies. 'He looks so handsome..anyday I woul- wait..he is my target not someone I should be falling for'

Mangle sighed small trying to control her wild side, she could almost imagine two small versions of her

An Angel and A Devil, arguments that tell her what's best.

Foxy's lips curved up as his eyes widen slightly. Mangle smiled as she began to make her way towards him, she winked at him making his facial expression change

He wasn't bothered or something other than that..he just seem so into her.

"Hello Again, it's been sometime already." Mangle says as her fingertip trailed under his chin with a teasing expression. Foxy's eyes got stucked to her, his legs trembled slightly not knowing why.

"Y-You look so gorgeous...what are you d-doing here worki- hold that thought, I've been trying to find you all this time." Foxy says as he sees her eyes ponder for a bit before they trailed away.

"You have? I'm quite memorable ain't I? Mmhhm, what can I say..everyone I come across with will have me in their mind." Mangle says in his head her body pressing against him.

Foxy stiffen at this and looks a bit displeased right after hearing her say that, feelings of jealously that another people are thinking about her.

Before he can open his mouth again, mangle gave him a smirk before she walked over to a small staircase, going upstage.

The Music began, she went around the pole walking for a bit before she started to make her way up. She kick aired for a bit before swinging back and forth on it in a gentle way feeling the music.

Foxy groaned as he felt himself harden by every second. He grabbed himself another wine bottle to keep enjoying the show, mangle seemed to make eye contact as she did tricks on the floor.

Spreading her legs, going to a split position and back arches. A big turn on for Foxy, he almost choked on his wine right after getting a scenario in his head.

He kept watching her, feeling so tempted by her. He knew it at this moment

He can't let her go, he needs to know her more..he has to.

Right after she finished some rounds, she climbed off with the amount of cash she was given. Mangle walked back to him only to see him pull out a big bill of $400

Her eyes widen up looking at the amount. "I can't take so much mone- I." She began trying to refuse, foxy kept insisting..she didn't have no another choice but to accept it

"Just take it, what a show you gave there..you're much better than the rest I say so myself." Foxy says as he feels her get near him. Mangle couldn't help but giggle out to the fact, that he thinks she much better

When this is her first time doing something like this. She stood there seeming to await for something, it all came out when Foxy pulled it out.

"I will like to take you on a Date, do you accept this offer? I really want to get to know you." Foxy began in the inside

'Pleading for her acceptance'

"Really? I accept..it's on, we shall have this date." Mangle agreeded as she runs her index finger to his chest up to his chin flicking it a bit.

'She's my liking'

'MISSION successful'


Thanks for reading! Excuse me for sorry updates on this book, sometimes I get writers block

You know what it is, if you relate ^-^

Vote and Comment, see you next time loves!

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