\ \ Chapter 2 / /

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(2 weeks later)

Two Suspect's hid around seeming to be spying as they see a Strange suspicious individual getting out of an expensive black car only a billionaire or millionaire can afford such a car.

They take shots of him, uneffortlessly until they got them. They began to analyze this tall crimson hair man, until they got enough information they rolled over and crawled quietly in the dark heading back to their car.

Foxy stops in his tracks right before he was about to go inside his big massive luxurious mansion. He looks around suspiciously for a bit being ready to call in his men, he didn't right after he realized there's no one at all just the slight fall wind blowing.


"Let me see." The Boss agent says as he went through the files which also contained Foxy's photos that were taken by the spies who were brave enough to go and take some pictures.

He scanned around for Foxy's written information, he nodded being satisfied that he has almost all of it.

"This next move..it must be someone brave and willing, and must always participate when told." He began as he paced back and forth with the files still in hand

"I won't, I have kids back home and a pregnant wife!" One of the spies said ready to exit hoping he doesn't get picked. "Who asked you?! Now..let's see, this will be risky since this individual must enter and be close to this mafia but something must be done before getting to that level." He says as his eyes looked around the room

"Can it involve death?" The other spy asked trying to hide his fear. The boss agent chuckled and nodded scaring both of them. "Yes I can, which is why it takes someone brave to do this, this one involves being all alone on this mission." He says finally stopping in his tracks

"I feel bad for whoever gets it, mafia's are no game at all." The spy says to the other slightly taller one agreeing. "And I must choose today, a phone call will be given to the one I've chosen, definitely not you two." He says pointing at them with a pen

They nod in relieve and were then able to leave. He continued on until a light bulb finally turned on, reminding him of this specific person.

"I got it!" He says as he takes out a paper and writes the individuals name on it. "It will Mangle Vixen, after all she has asked me, she's a perfect pick not only that but this is like a fish bait for him, I'll give her a phone call right away." He says before picking up his phone

Meanwhile over at a light pink house, a decent sized house for one person. Mangle Vixen who lives all alone doesn't share no room of course, since she's a single girl she didn't mind it at all. She doesn't have to worry about having a husband or kids of her own to attend to

This lifestyle is heaven to her, since she only spends everything on herself and with her spy friend. She Hopes it stays this way, it's not like she must do what other girls do.

This is her life afterall.

Mangle stands by the edge of her bed watching some dramas, it all got interrupted when her phone began ringing. She looks to see it's her agent boss.

She raises her eyebrow in confusion wondering why is she receiving a call at this hour.

One thing she hoped for at this moment is that..hopefully this isn't a call to let her know, she's out of the team.

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