5. A Day at The Burrow

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{Picture of a layout of the Weasley house above}

As she stepped out of the fire place another green flash came from behind Olivia as George appeared. Before she could turn around to look at him she felt his strong, muscled arms wrap around her, pressing their bodies together.

"So... we have the entire house to ourselves..." he whispered into her ear, pausing to leave a trail of kisses burning down her neck, "what ever could we do to spend our time?"

"Hmm..." she said as she turned around to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I bet we can think something... After we're done." She said as she reached into her back pocket to grab the list of items Mrs. Weasley had sent them to retrieve.

"After?" he questioned with devious smirk before leaning down to kiss her, attempting to distract her, which was beginning to work. Excitement rushing through her body as his tongue pushed into her mouth. That was until she remembered how much she enjoyed teasing him.

She pressed her hips against his while lightly tugging his hair, slightly startling and arousing him.

Before allowing it to escalate any further, she pulled away, moving her lips to his neck, kissing up to his ear where she whispered, "After."

She walked over to the doorway of the kitchen, leaving George still standing there in shock and excitement, before entering she turned to him and said "Don't worry Georgie, I'll make it worth the wait!"

George followed shortly after her, "Very well then boss, put me to work." he mocked. Olivia rolled her eyes at his sarcasm.

"There should be a few bags of uniforms and quidditch gear at the top of the stairs, bring those down and then head up to Percy's room and grab his old books incase Harry needs them, he's coming tomorrow."

"Aye! Aye! Captain!" He shouted, saluting her jokingly, before heading upstairs.

Olivia gathered the ingredients Mrs. Weasley needed for the no doubt fantastic going away meal she was preparing for the next night, given that this was Olivia and the twins last year at Hogwarts.

Once she finished collecting them and placing them each carefully into a basket, she carried it to the fireplace where George was once again standing, now holding the bags and books, his muscles flexing under their weight as he placed them on the floor.

After setting down the basket, Olivia reached out and pulled at Georges shirt, walking backwards, leading him, and stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

She met his lips with a passionate kiss, running her hand down his somehow perfect chest, his body immediately melting at her touch.

She wanted him just a badly, but once again she pulled away, "Almost!" she shouted as she shot up the stairs heading to Ginny's room and then on to Rons, collecting their books as she went, George followed and went to his and Freds room to do the same, turning on some music as he did so.

Olivia walked down the hall to him, recounting the memories of sleepovers she had there when she was younger, the countless full moons she had spent there before Sirius returned and began to aid Remus again on those treacherous nights. The Weasleys had always been exceptional at making others feel like part of their family.

She reached his door, a chill of excitement came over as her eyes fell on George, sitting on the edge his bed leaning back on his hands.

She set down the books on the desk next to the ones he'd collected before slowly making her way over to him, scanning the walls of photos and posters, she had been in their room many times but it felt different now.

She stood in front of him, in between his spread legs, he sat up allowing her to rest her hands on his shoulders.

His hands gripped her waist firmly, slowly inching her closer to him, gazing up in to her eyes. Until now Olivia had never noticed just how gentle George could be, she could feel the power, the dominance in his grip, but the way he held her, the way he looked at her, she felt so safe.

Her trance broke when George said, in his deep, flirty voice, "If I recall correctly, you said something about making this worth the wait...?" her breath hitched in her throat.

She sat down on his thigh, on hand playing with his hair and the other running down his chest to his thigh, "I did, and I intend to prove just how right I was..." the hand on his thigh moving closer and closer inwards as she spoke.

Her teasing proved to be affective as his lips crashed into hers. Each only taking a moment to breath as he pulled off both of their shirts before he moved their bodies further onto the bed and positioned himself on top of her.

She removed her shorts leaving her in just bra and thong, and pulled down his trousers as much as she could leaving the rest for him, his body straightening as he did so before throwing them to the side with the rest of their clothes.

His body returned to hover over hers again, his soft lips leaving gentle love bites and burning kisses down her neck and across her collarbone where she most sensitive, sending a shock of arousal and pleasure through her, down to her core.

His hand moved down her body, his thumb rubbing painfully slow circles on her clit through her panties, his pace increasing slightly as her nails ran down his back.

The tension and intensity growing by the second, Olivia wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him closer and removing the space between them as George moved his hands to hold hers, pinning them to the bed.

He pulled away just enough for him to look her in the eyes, "Is this ok?"

His words made her crave him even more, she couldn't find the words, she smiled as she look at him, a breathy "yes" came from her as she pulled him in for another hungry, passionate kiss.

There was no space between them anymore, the pressure building between their hips as his body grinded against hers, his erection pressing on her core through his boxers, intoxicating her with excitement and lust.

"Olive..." he moaned into her mouth as she felt his member twitching against her.

This was the moment they had both dreamt of for years, and it was proving to be better than either of them could have ever imagined, it was perfect.

Until suddenly... "BLOODY HELL!" screamed a voice at the doorway.

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