Chapter 1 - Outbreak

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Shuichi's PoV

We were having classes, like we normally do, until the lights turned off, we really didn't start to panic since this has happened before.

Minutes Later...

Some time has passed, and the lights still weren't back on, our teacher decided to go ask the principal if something was wrong.

Some More Minutes Later...

About 20 minutes have passed since the teacher went out of the classroom... I started to panic, this definitely wasn't normal.

"S-so... What do we do? The teacher has been gone for a while..." Tsumugi said breaking the silence

"I-i don't know... Maybe we should-" I was suddenly interrupted

We heard some loud taps outside the large windows that were on one side of the classroom.

"What the-" Kaito said surprised

"G-guys... Look outside the windows..." Kaede said with wide eyes

"What's that?!" Himiko exclaimed

We all stared at the creature, it was like a human, but its body was rotten, bloody, it seemed a lot like those zombies that were in some films- wait- zombies?!

"Atua says its a z-zombie!" Angie said terrified

"A zombie? Stop speaking nonsense! That's impossible!" Kaito said trying to avoid the horrible truth

"It is indeed possible. Assuming by its looks, I'm almost positive that that's a zombie" Kiyo said still staring at it

This can't be happening...  How is this possible? Why did this happen? What are we going to do now? I started to sweat uncontrollably. Our lives were at risk if that was an actual zombie, because if there's one... then there must be more... a lot more...

"I-if there's one zombie... then that means there are a lot more..." Kaede pointed out

"Z-zombies?! I must protect you Himiko!" Tenko screamed in a defensive tone

"It's not necessary... I can use my magic to protect myself-" Himiko was cut off

"Ok then! A zombie outbreak has just begun, we should do something!" Kokichi said sounding really "excited" for this kind of situation we're in

"What are you planning to do, Kokichi?" Maki said with a serious face

"Well, I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader! Of course I'm going to have some sort of plan, miss assasin!" 

"D-do you want to d-die?" Maki death glared at him

"N-no please! I-I don't k-kill me!" Kokichi mocked Maki, she was now approaching him with a scary face..

"W-wait Maki Roll! We should maybe hear him... just this once.." Kaito held her shoulder, she was now a little red

"O-ok..." Maki said as she went back to her seat

"Nee-heehee! Anyways! My plan is to give ya'll a basic role when a zombie apocalypse is happening! These may not suit some of your talents, I'll be assigning your roles now!" Kokichi said and walked to the center of the classroom to gather everyone's attention

"So, of course I'm going to be the leader! Tenko, you will be the brawler!"

"W-why would I listen to a degenerate?!" Tenko screamed once again

"Tenko... Please just listen to him..." Himiko looked at her with an annoyed face

"O- ok..." Tenko was looking upset now

"Maki, you are going to be the weapons expert!"

"Hai" Maki looked like she liked her role, she was the Ultimate Assasin after all

"The bitch and Kee-boy are going to be the engineers!"

"B-bitch?! Watch your mouth you little pussy!" Miu said looking offended

"M-miu please calm down.." Kiibo said trying to calm her down

"Anyways! Himiko-chan will be the medic, Kaito the speedfighter, Kaede the lookout and Angie the crafts/repairswoman!"

"Ooh! Angie can be the craftswoman! I do know some things about that!" Angie said looking excited

"Hoshi will be our trainer and the avocado the chef!"

"Sure" Hoshi agreed to his role

"Being the chef is fine with me! I used to cook a lot for my sisters.." Rantaro pointed out

"Kiyo will be the scout and Shuichi the sharp shooter! Kirumom the gardener, Gonta will be the support and Tsumugi our daily dosis of paranoia!"

"I'll be pleased to help in any way i can" Kirumi said 

"W-wait- Why do I have to be the paranoia?" Tsumugi said kind of dissapointed

"Well, two reasons, first, i didn't have any other role that you would actually be good at, and second, even without the paranoia role, you would already be really paranoic!" Kokichi said smiling

I was the sharp shooter, i am not really good at guns.. but I guess I'll have to ask Maki for training... if we ever find guns..

"So, how do we get out of here, and where do we get the weapons?" Himiko said with a frown

"Himiko, do you really think I would be stupid enough to don't think about that beforehand?" Kokichi said looking at Himiko

Wow, he really was prepared for this..

"So, some time ago I told my D.I.C.E. to bring me some weapons, but I guess we'll have to use them for this then!" Kokichi said with a big smile

"Ok, two questions, why the hell do you need weapons for? And where are they?"Kaito said looking confused

"Well, for the first one I'd rather not answer it, but for the second, just follow your leader!" 

We followed him to one side of the room, he took out a controller from his pocket and pressed a green button, then the floor tile that was in front of us opened, it had a lot of weapons in it, also it had armor, first-aid kits, we were all surprised because we had no idea he was hiding weapond in the class!

"Ta-da! Life time weapons and ammo! So no need to worry about that!" Kokichi said looking proud of himself

"Well, I guess the next step is to get out of here" I said

"Exactly! Let's get going!" Kokichi said walking towards the door.

Hope you liked the chapter :D

Love and Zombies (DRV3 Zombie Apocalypse AU)Where stories live. Discover now