Chapter 3 - Seeking Shelter

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Himiko PoV

We were finally out of school, now what do we do? This is all really confusing... Why did this have to happen? Everything was fine until this zombie outbreak... I'm glad at least Kokichi has a plan, and its working really well for now. Speaking about Kokichi having a plan, I should ask him what is the next step.

"Kokichi.. What should we do next?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked, Himi-chan! The next step is to look for shelter!" He said smiling

"Nyehh... Don't call me that..." I said as I felt my cheeks getting a little hot

"Aww but whyyy? Himi-chan really suits you, Himi-chan!" He annoyingly said

"Himiko said to stop calling her that! Why won't you degenerates just listen?!" Tenko said looking really angry at Kokichi

"Tenko, you should really stop yelling like that every time... Especially in this situation, y'know, sounds attract zombies~" Kokichi said with one of his creepy smiles

"U-ugh... Shut up degenerate..." Tenko said looking down

"W-well... Should we go look for shelter now?" Shuichi said

"Yep! Follow me everyone! Well, it's not like you can do anything without me, Nee-heehee!"

We then started to follow him, what was he going to do? Just walk around and look for some random place big enough for all of us to survive at least a few months? I mean, there's nothing wrong with that plan but, its too risky, and, he's Kokichi Ouma, I'm sure he has some sort of secret basement or something... Right?

"So... Where are we going now?" Miu asked him

"Oh, yeah, that, I'm just going to walk around for some place big enough so that all of us can survive at least a few months" Kokichi answered

Great. Just great. I really didn't expect that from Kokichi, but whatever.

We all just kept quiet while following him. After a while, it looked like he found a place we could stay.

"Hmmm... This place looks big, let's check it out!" He said while running to the place

We entered, the place was really big, it looked abandoned, and the fact that inside it was very clean surprised me, since the house outside was very ugly and messy. It also had a second floor.

After a while, we decided to separate in groups of two to investigate the house. The groups will have eight students, and each group will investigate one floor of the building. The groups were: Tenko, Shuichi, Kaede, Ryoma, Angie, Kork, Gonta, Rantaro. In the second group were: Kokichi, Maki, Kaito, Tsumugi, Miu, Kirumi, Kiibo and me.

"W-wait! Why am I not in the same group as Himiko?!" Tenko complained

"Geez, Tenko, won't you leave Himiko alone for once?" Kokichi looked annoyed

"Guys.. Please stop arguing... Let's just stay in the groups we are, ok Tenko?" Kaede tried to stop them, which worked

"Hmpf... Ok... Himiko, yell if you need me, ok?" 

"Yeah, yeah..." I said not looking at her

"We should star now, it's getting late." Maki looked at the window, a beautiful sunset was there. It looked so peaceful, sadly this is now a world were if you make the slightest mistake you may die.

"Yeah, let's start then" Rantaro said as he walked to the kitchen which was on the first floor

We went upstairs and started with our investigation, there were eight rooms, this house was gigantic. We decided to that we would search in pairs, I ended up paired with Kokichi... Out of all the eight people, it had to be him.

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