Chapter 10

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My mom's pregnant.. I don't think I like this but I have  to deal with this..

I should probably get ready for school, Logan said he'd pick me up like he always did before we started dating. Oh my god I can't believe this will be the first day going to school as a couple.


yay he's here I rush down the stairs and kiss my parents goodbye as I open up the door I see him reaching for the door knob

"Hey Beautiful" he says as he kisses me on the cheek 

I swear he's the most swetest person i ever met!

We go to his care and he opens the door for me and says

" After you my lady".

" Why thank you, kind sir".

On our way to school, we were listening to Pierce The Veil, and holding hands screaming and singing to "Match into the water".

The cutest thing about it was when the song first came on he looked at my arm and kissed the scars i was like awweeee ha.

He kissed my scars because the song starts off with " I kiss the scars on her skin i still think your beautiful and I don't ever wanna lose my best friend"

As we pulled into the school's driveway butterflies were catching my stomach, I started to shake alittle too.

"Babe whats wrong, why are you shaking"?. 

" I'm just excited that's all". as I smile and give him a kiss on the cheek.

When we park he again opens the door for me and as soon as I get out kisses me on the forehead. Everyone starts staring, as we make our way to our lockers he  grabs my hand into a tight squeez, awe he's so adorble when he's scared.

We reached my locker and says "Meet you in english?" 

" It's a date." I kinda started to blush and I smiled like crazy

Logan pulls me into a big deep meaningful kiss and slowly lets go,as half the population of girls watch ,my favorite Emma and Spencer.

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