24- The House of Protegian

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It was almost dusk on Wednesday night, the night that Katrina had told us we would help the people of her village escape and make it over the border into the Ember Court. I was dressed in dark clothes with my hair tied back in a tight braid as I headed towards the castle's side exit where Cicero had told me to meet him outside. I was so focused on my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed the person following me until they had wrapped a hand around my wrist.

I whipped around, raising my hands into a fighting stance to see Sarika flinch backwards in shock. "Stars, my apologies. I didn't mean to take you by surprise" she replied, unsure whether she should laugh or be scared.

My face flushed as I dropped my hands. "Sorry, I've just been on edge lately" I apologized, embarrassed as I took in her fine red grown and golden bracelets that adorned both her wrists and biceps. "You look lovely" I complimented her while at the same time sizing her up. What could she possibly be doing on a Wednesday night that would call for such extravagant clothing?

"Thank you," she smiled graciously as she smoothed her skirts. "I'm hosting a dinner-party tonight for the nobles currently staying in the castle."

"Oh?" I responded in surprise. "Does Kess know?"

"That's actually what I wanted to ask you about," she replied enthusiastically. "You see, as much as I enjoy entertaining the powerful houses of our court, I am not the one they truly wish to see and speak to. I've been hosting these parties each week, but the nobles are starting to grow restless. They haven't seen their king in weeks and neither have I. It would mean the world to them if their king and his Champion made an appearance tonight, if only to reassure them against all of this talk of war nonsense."

I furrowed a brow at her. "It's not nonsense. The Shadow Court had Calius killed. If that isn't a declaration of war, then I don't know what is."

Sarika looked slightly taken aback. "I see, well, I guess all of this is just a little surprising, seeing how much Kesserian detests wars."

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. "Nobody in the Ember Court wants a war, Sarika, least of all Kess. But I've seen my home destroyed and innocent people murdered by Nox for nothing more than to prove that he could. Sometimes we don't get a choice in the matter."

Sarika nodded, though I could tell she didn't agree as she plastered a fake smile onto her face. "Well, it would still mean a lot if the both of you attended tonight's dinner-party."

"As much as I would love to do just that," I tried to keep the sarcasm from my voice. "I actually have something really important that I must do tonight. I hope you'll be able to forgive my rain check. Another week, perhaps?"

"And what about Kesserian?" she pressed, though her tone was still light and pleasant. She was either an extremely patient person, or an extraordinary liar.

"I haven't seen him today," I lied, "but my guess is that he's probably in the throne room." I knew there was no chance he'd be in there, seeing as he had far more important things to worry about than sitting on a throne and allowing nobles to complain about their rising taxes or whatever other miniscule thing they decided to get worked up about. I knew Kess was more likely to eat glass than willingly accept Sarika's invitation to be questioned and chastised by nobles who didn't have the slightest idea what they were talking about.

Sarika smiled again, reaching for my hand. "We should spend some time together in the future when you are free" she beamed at me. "I would love to get to know you better. I feel like the two of us could be such close friends."

I smiled back at her, well aware of how to play this game of niceties and false promises. "I would enjoy that very much. Things have just been so crazy lately."

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