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There were no words that could explain how Jeonghan felt so empty now. He was back at it again, where he couldn't even take a small bite of food. Back where he felt so helpless, where he couldn't give a care about the world.

It was too clear and visible that he was hurt and deeply affected by his mother's action. He was so angry at himself that he let his mom hurt him again and again.

He laid on the soft mattress, the pillow already stained with dried up tears. He was crying all night, devastated by his mother's action. Jeonghan only wanted to see her for a moment and he only wanted to hug her and ask her how she's been these past few years.

He never wanted to go back in the past, he just wanted to let his mom know how happy he was that she's finally back here in Korea.

Jisoo's mom was friends with Jeonghan's mom. It was her that informed the boys that Jeonghan's mom flew to California and abandoned Jeonghan. Jisoo's mom became Jeonghan's guardian ever since that happened, and she welcomed the boy in her humble home.

Jeonghan heard a faint knock coming from his bedroom door but he was too quick to cover himself with the thick sheets when he heard the door knob click.

"Baby?" a husky voice called. Jeonghan knew it was Seungcheol all along. He would always visit Jeonghan from time to time. Jeonghan already stopped going to school ever since that incident happened so he really missed a lot of classes.

It really affected him, his entire system has shut down like a computer system with virus.

Jisoo would constantly check up on Jeonghan since they're living in the same house. Seokmin, Mingyu and Minghao also visits him quite often. And of course, his boyfriend Seungcheol. Seungcheol was the first and the last person that Jeonghan would see every morning and night.

Seungcheol never left Jeonghan's side, not even once.

"Hey, let's eat breakfast. I asked Mingyu to cook something for you, well you know I can't cook. I might even burn the whole house down if i attempt to." Seungcheol blurted out and sat down beside Jeonghan. He was holding a cup of hot chocolate on the one hand while the other slowly pulling away the thick blanket, covering Jeonghan's frail body.

"Why are you doing this?" Jeonghan asked as he sat up and took the cup from Seungcheol's hand. Seungcheol gave Jeonghan a warm smile and tucked Jeonghan's long brown hair behind his ears.

"It's because I want you to know that you're not alone. Jisoo's mom is here, your friends are here, I'm here. We're all here for you Han." Seungcheol answered.

Even though how much assurance he gave to Jeonghan, it was clear that the latter shut his mind completely about the people who were truly there for him.

"No matter what you say, I'll always end up alone." Jeonghan replied and pulled back the sheets and covered himself.

Seungcheol sighed and stared at the white thick blanket that covered Jeonghan's body. He wanted to hug Jeonghan and let him cry on his shoulders but he knows that what Jeonghan needs right now is some space. He respected it and never wanted to cross the line but it bothered him.

Seungcheol was worried, everyone is.

"I'll be here Hannie, I'll always stay." Seungcheol said as he stood up and placed the cup on the bedside table. Jeonghan was still silent, as if he never wanted to see or sense Seungcheol's presence.

The latter then closed the door and leaned on it, an exasperated sigh came out from his mouth. An indication that he failed to let Jeonghan out.

"What did he say?" Jisoo's mom asked. It was just him, Jisoo and his mom in the living room with worry written all over theie face.

"He told me that no matter what I say, he'll always end up alone." Seungcheol sighed and plopped his body on the available couch.

The silence was quite deafening, so Seungcheol decided to open his mouth.

"I met Jeonghan, 10 years ago." Seungcheol said. Jisoo and his mom on the other hand were confused but they never muttered a word.

"I believe that's the time his mom left him?" Seungcheol asked and Jisoo's mom nodded in agreement.

As young as 15 years old, Jeonghan became an orphan. His dad died when he was young and his mom left him when he was just 15. He never had any siblings that's why he felt so alone, so broken and helpless.

"He was just standing at the edge of a cliff, crying and hurt. He wanted to jump and end his life like that. Without anyone knowing and without anything caring." he continued.

"We tried Seungcheol, we tried to help him." Jisoo's mom stated, he held Jisoo's hand tried so hard not to shed a tear.

"I just feel so sorry for him." Seungcheol whispered but his voice went louder than it should be.

A loud slam echoed all throughout the room that startled everyone. Seungcheol looked back and saw Jeonghan who was a crying mess. The latter wiped his tears and stood in front of Seungcheol without any hesitation.

"You feel so sorry? What for?" Jeonghan asked in a rather sarcastic tone.

Seungcheol realised that he chose the wrong words to describe how he felt.

"I'm sorry Ahjumma but could you please leave us alone? I want to talk to him." Jeonghan pleaded and Jisoo and his mom obliged quickly. They wanted to give the couple some space and Jeonghan was too stubborn to let anyone help him.

When the two left the apartment, a loud slap echoed through the quiet room. Jeonghan's cold palm had made it's way to Seungcheol's face, it was a good slap.

"You think I'm pathetic?" Jeonghan asked, tears kept rolling down from his eyes.

Seungcheol was quiet, he knew he was wrong but couldn't say a word to defend himself. He just stood there and stared at Jeonghan's hurt eyes. If only he could remove the pain that his boyfriend was suffering, he would've done it already.

But sadly, he was just Seungcheol. The guy who made Jeonghan feel that he was a pathetic little shit.



I think it's been forever since i last updated so here is the latest update. I know its kinda shit actually but hey, there's still a little voice inside me to continue this. I'm really happy that you guys supported this--  idk, this cliché book. Thank you so much, i love you all ♡

- aly

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