1 ;; Orange

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"Sabre!" A soft, feminine voice called. It was so warm and inviting. A voice that I recognized all too well. As it practically begged me to turn around and look to them, I was frozen in place. I couldn't move. I couldn't talk. All I could do was look around in my limited field of vision. A forest. So dark and mysterious, and yet.. it was daytime. The sun shining through the foliage. "Sabre, come out of the forest!" The voice called.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a small, white figure approaching. As they came closer, it was clear to me now it had been a child. They were a little roughed up and messy. Brown hair that was in need of a good combing, pale skin, a white colored hoodie a little too big on him. Those eyes... A bandanna did not cover the child's eyes, they were there for the world to see. It was clear who this child was to me. A younger version of myself. This was a memory, but I wasn't viewing the memory from my own body. Rather, viewing it in third person like some sort of video.

That's when I noticed the dark figure accumulate out of thin air next to my child self.  Glowing red eyes was all that I could make out. The darkness hid the rest of his features, which was strange- This figure did not seem to follow certain psychics. With the way the lighting worked, I should have been able to make out his features- and yet, I wasn't. It was strange, like some sort of dark magic. Well.. maybe it WAS dark magic? That was a question I had to answer later.

As a deep, reverberated voice hit my ears. It sounded like it was coming from all around. I was confused, from where the source was coming from. Then, I realized.. the figure. It was speaking. Not to me, but to my younger self. "Must you listen to her? If you'd just follow me, I could show you a new world of wonders. A world you would adore, one where you and I can go on so many adventures." The figure offered, holding a hand out. To a younger me, this may have sounded like such an amazing offer. Yet, now.. I can hear the malicious intent in his voice. Could tell from his posture too.

As the figure's voice echoed almost tauntingly, I watched my younger self turn to him with almost.. saddened eyes. "I-I'm sowwy Mr. Black, but I can't- I don't wanna weave my fwiends and momma behind. Maybe when I'm bigger and stwonger!" The younger me offered. I always did have a bit of separation anxiety. Though, I was much worse when I was younger. I've grown to become less attached to things and people now. Though, the one thing that stuck to me was the nickname I had given to the figure. "Mr. Black".... I had forgotten that name, only remembered the person to match it. Or- whatever the hell 'Mr. Black' was.

As the memory before me played out, it began to feel warped. I struggled to hear anything, or even breath. Oh god, I couldn't breathe. My chest felt heavy. It felt like I was underwater. Even worse, it felt like I was drowning but without being able to move a single inch or even scream. Well.. Even if I could scream, who would hear me?

A void began to surround me, all I could see was an overbearing blackness. Again, I tried to scream.. but it was like I was underwater. My voice went unheard in the unending space that engulfed me.

I shot out of bed, greedily inhaling the air around me. I felt sick as I slowly pulled myself off the furniture. Glancing out the window, I could see it was still dark out. What time was it? It didn't seem to be too dark out, so I must have woken up rather early. Maybe 4 or 5 am. God, I hate when that happens. It must of been a nightmare, but.. it just felt so real. I could feel the lack of oxygen, I could feel like I was drowning, I could feel it all...

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