Where am I?

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The only thing she could hear is her hard breathing.






Foot steps.

'What was that' ,she thought.

She held her breath for a moment.


She let out a shaky sigh and took a step forward.

The old wood cranked under her light steps while she made her way to the door.

She doesn't remember how she got here but she does know she has to get out.

As cliché as expected, she tried her best to open the door without a noise but miserably failed and instead, shot a screeching sound throughout the hallway.

Vulnerable scenarios started playing through her head while she made her way down the hallway, extremely alarmed to any sign of living existence. She could tell she was on the second floor since only the trees' tops are visible from the windows in the classrooms she passed.

Currently, her main instinctive was to find a staircase to get out of this haunted school. As she made her way through the hallway, she couldn't help but notice the intolerable amount of blood scattered around the place like some sort of painting. Unlike the painting, this was a petrifing scene rather than a pleasant art work.

~let your imagination guide you throughout the rest of the story

A Piece Of My MindWhere stories live. Discover now